Irish charities merge to strengthen trade links with Africa

Traidlinks merges with Gorta-Self Help Africa to facilitate trade on the African continent

Bernard O’Connell(left), a director of Traidlinks is pictured with African women entrepreneurs from Burundi on a trade mission to Democratic Republic of Congo

Irish non-profit Traidlinks has merged with Gorta-Self Help Africa in a move designed to build on Traidlinks' success in facilitating trade on the African continent.

Since 2004 the company has supported over 120 export-orientated businesses across the continent of Africa and in 2016 Traidlinks helped over 20 Rwandan companies achieve nearly $1 million export sales in regional markets.

The merger of the two groups comes as the government launches the latest phase of its Africa agri-food development programme, an initiative designed to support partnerships between Irish and African agri-food companies.

“Business can and is making a real difference in building economies and reducing extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.


"Rural poor communities need markets, they need jobs, and they need a fair price for their goods and services, and we believe that by working together we can play a vital role in facilitating that to happen," said Ray Jordan, chief executive of Gorta-Self Help Africa.

Cork businessman Maurice Healy, the outgoing chairman of Traidlinks, said the merger would strengthen efforts to increase trade with East Africa.

Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business