Sean Quinn jnr purges contempt with €210,000 payment

Issue arose over interference with property assets despite court injuncitons

Seán Quinn jnr, son of former billionaire, Seán Quinn, arriving at the Four Courts in Dublin. Photograph: Collins

A €210,000 payment by Seán Quinn jnr, raised by himself and his wife via a charge on their Dublin home, has finally purged his contempt of court orders, a High Court judge has ruled.

Ms Justice Elizabeth Dunne said she was “grateful” the contempt matter, ongoing since June 2012 when she made a finding of contempt against Mr Quinn, was finally at an end.

She made the remarks after accepting an undertaking by Larry Brennan, solicitor for Mr Quinn, to pay the sum of €210,000 to solicitors for Quinn Properties Sweden, a company now controlled by receivers appointed by Irish Bank Resolution Corporation, to purge his client's contempt.

The judge said she was satisfied that the undertaking by Mr Brennan to pay the money to Dillon Eustace, solicitors for Quinn Properties Sweden, “resolves every aspect of the matter” as far as Mr Quinn jnr was concerned.


The judge also directed that the costs of multiple applicationsshould be paid by the loser of the action brought by IBRC against Mr Quinn and other members of his family, plus a number of companies.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times