Theshock to the Irish economy from a no-deal Brexit could be exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis, a new study has indicated. Eoin Burke-Kennedy has the details.
The timber industry is at "breaking point" with thousands of jobs at "imminent risk", the boss of State-owned forestry business Coillte has warned, as the Government drags its feet in introducing new legislation. Peter Hamilton reports.
The Government's budgetary watchdog has called for a "substantial multi-year stimulus" to restore demand in the Irish economy, writes Eoin Burke-Kennedy.

The goal to build 35,000 homes per year won't be achieved within the lifetime of this Government without "significant changes" in the processes to deliver housing, the lobby group for the construction sector said in its pre-budget submission, reports Peter Hamilton.
Former Dragon's Den television star Ramona Nicholas and her husband Canice will now support the examinership process initiated for their Cara pharmacy chain by its lenders. Mark Paul reports.
The number of new homes constructed in the Republic this year is expected to be about 18,000 – 3,000 units less than last year, according to the banking industry lobby group Banking and Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI), writes Eoin Burke-Kenndy
The inadequate ethical and regulatory structures under which Ireland permits DNA research has been exposed yet again, argues Karlin Lillington.
Almost half of employers say it would be "feasible" to trial a four-day week in their workplace amid enthusiasm for the idea across the population, according to a new survey released by the Four Day Week Ireland campaign, writes Laura Slattery.
Niamh Damery, a 22-year-old student from Cork, has been announced as the national winner of the James Dyson Award for a project that attempts to solve the problem of the declining population of the native Irish black bee, reports Laura Slattery.
Has Aryzta's new chairman got the appetite for the job ahead, wonders Cantillon and also asks if State bodies are playing a role in squeezing the Dublin housing market.
Olive Keogh tells us how AI is helping Irish businesses innovate and grow and meets social research start-up OpinionX.
Ciara O'Brien finds out Covid-19 may have given the smartwatch market a shot in the arm and reviews Kokoon Sleep headphones.
On our Inside Business podcast Ciarán Hancock talks to Mark Paul, business affairs correspondent with The Irish Times, and to Ronan Lynch, proprietor of The Swan pub on Aungier Street and chairman of the Licensed Vintner's Association, about the challenges facing Dublin city centre.
Applications for The Irish Times Innovation Awards for 2020 are now invited. The awards will recognise innovations and bright ideas brought to market between January 1st, 2019 and May 30th of this year, across five categories. It's free to enter so check it out .
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