Statins do not reduce heart disease among the old, study findsProtective effect of cholesterol reducing drugs ‘limited’ to people with type 2 diabetesWed Sept 05 2018 - 23:30
Routine prostate cancer testing ruled out due to ‘clear harms’ and ‘small’ benefitIrish Cancer Society welcomes findings of international panel of experts in BMJ reportWed Sept 05 2018 - 23:30
Supreme Court to decide whether to hear abortion poll challenge appealRefusal would clear way for certification of Eight Amendment referendum resultWed Sept 05 2018 - 14:59
Judge cites possible ‘unlawful conduct’ at INMHigh Court president agrees to appoint inspectors to newspaper groupWed Sept 05 2018 - 00:11
INM inspection terms include removal of dataIssue of payment for the data interrogation to be investigated as wellTue Sept 04 2018 - 17:58
High Court to appoint two inspectors to INMFormal orders deferred until Thursday as media company asked for time to consider judgmentTue Sept 04 2018 - 16:31
Dublin homecoming: Rousing welcome for victorious ‘Blues Brothers’Gavin’s four-in-a-row heroes greeted by thousands of supporters at SmithfieldMon Sept 03 2018 - 22:17
Dublin team homecoming: Thousands expected at Smithfield PlazaLord Mayor says event will allow fans to give ‘Dubs and Sam’ the welcome they deserveMon Sept 03 2018 - 14:52
High Court has first ever sitting in nursing homeDoctor fears court hearing could trigger seizure in man, judge saysFri Aug 03 2018 - 01:00
Man pleads to be allowed go home in first High Court sitting in nursing homeCourt hears man in his 60s with epilepsy and brain disease is a Spurs fan and wants to be able to walk to his mother’s graveThu Aug 02 2018 - 15:05
Urgent action needed on access to justice for citizens, says Supreme CourtAccess to civil courts, guaranteed by Constitution, threatened by rising litigation costsTue Jul 31 2018 - 21:59
Appeal Court rejects attempt to test abortion referendum resultApplication allowing challenge to Yes vote rejected by three judges of Court of AppealTue Jul 31 2018 - 19:19
Supreme Court to hear Facebook appeal over data transfers referralCourt to hear unprecedented appeal as matter of urgency before end of yearTue Jul 31 2018 - 12:30
Solicitor agrees not to practice pending disciplinary inquiryDeclan O’Callaghan will also pay €350,000 from his personal funds by September 10thMon Jul 30 2018 - 17:58
Limerick gangland criminal Gary Campion loses Supreme Court appealCampion had appealed conviction for murder of Brian FitzgeraldMon Jul 30 2018 - 17:56
Supreme Court halves payment to former soldier over post-traumatic stressSum of €300,000 for general damages described as excessive and reduced to €150,000Mon Jul 30 2018 - 12:46
Minister to raise issue of Four Courts’ restaurant closureCourts’ only public restaurant, running for more than 40 years, expected to become officesMon Jul 30 2018 - 01:00
Central Bank granted access to David Drumm trial transcriptsApplication was not contested by either the Director of Public Prosecutions or DrummFri Jul 27 2018 - 16:50
Supreme Court rules that developer Brian Cunningham is personally liable for €10m legal costsDecision has significant implications for similar casesFri Jul 27 2018 - 16:19
Abortion referendum appeal to be heard in AugustStay preventing referendum result being formally certified continuesFri Jul 27 2018 - 15:13
Dermot Desmond cannot proceed with action linked to Moriarty TribunalBusinessman sought chance to overturn court decisions rejecting his complaints about conduct of inquiryFri Jul 27 2018 - 13:33
Sgt Maurice McCabe settles defamation case against ‘Irish Times’Newspaper apologises to whistleblower over article published in February of last yearFri Jul 27 2018 - 12:45
Disabled woman awarded €40,000 over treatment at centreNo liability admitted by Sisters of Charity in Linda Kavanagh’s alleged assault by nurseThu Jul 26 2018 - 21:58
Woman raped by uncle as a child awarded €200,000High Court had heard incidents extremely serious and had ‘horrific consequences’Thu Jul 26 2018 - 21:45
‘Mammy, please don’t die,’ child tells terminally ill motherCervical smear test woman who developed cancer has one to two years to live, High Court hearsThu Jul 26 2018 - 20:58
Ruth Morrissey: ‘I am not frightened to die, but I don’t want to’Woman (37) with breast and cervical cancer is suing over misinterpretation of smearsThu Jul 26 2018 - 13:21
Minister urged to prevent closure of Four Courts restaurantLawyers say facility a help to people going through the ‘stress’ of legal proceedingsWed Jul 25 2018 - 18:33
Priest fails in court bid to halt his drink driving trialFr Donnchadh Ó Cuinn argued, as a native Irish speaker, that his language rights were breachedWed Jul 25 2018 - 15:30
Woman with breast and cervical cancer begins action over smear testsCounsel for Ruth Morrissey (37) to give evidence that two tests were ‘negligently reported’Wed Jul 25 2018 - 13:46
Family of woman (26) who died of cancer secures €600,000 settlementFamily claimed 13 month delay in breast cancer diagnosis for mother of two Edel KellyTue Jul 24 2018 - 17:53
State entitled to costs in abortion referendum legal challengeHomemaker Joanna Jordan to appeal refusal to allow challenge to referendum resultTue Jul 24 2018 - 16:31
Solicitor struck off for taking €173,543 from dead woman’s estateImelda Leahy deemed ‘not a fit and proper person to be a solicitor’Tue Jul 24 2018 - 14:11
Court strikes out action by Dunnes as ‘entirely without merit’Legal case centred on design and specification of Point Square development in Dublin’s DocklandsMon Jul 23 2018 - 22:21
Order restraining husband visiting wife in nursing home liftedCouple’s son secretly recorded making ‘vile’ threats to his mother in her home must still not visit herMon Jul 23 2018 - 21:08
Windfarm seeks fast-track hearing over grid connectionDerrysallagh Windfarm tells Commercial Court it has to hook up to national grid by DecemberMon Jul 23 2018 - 18:35
Homeless man restrained by High Court from leaving hospitalCourt heard little is known about the man, aged in his sixties, whose memory is impairedMon Jul 23 2018 - 15:43
Judge invites cervical cancer woman and lab to mediationQuest seeks adjournment as specialist says woman can take ‘curative treatment’Fri Jul 20 2018 - 20:21
Applications to challenge abortion referendum result rejectedJudge orders result of vote cannot come into effect for a week to allow plaintiff seek appealFri Jul 20 2018 - 16:14
Man makes unprecedented High Court action against the StateMichael O’Callaghan spent almost two years in jail before his conviction was quashedFri Jul 20 2018 - 12:45
Sister of K Club ex-manager says he was ‘full of fear’Barbara Curran says Peter Curran was ‘half his weight’ two months after alleged incidentThu Jul 19 2018 - 18:14
Woman who sued after rental car hit bus fails to get damagesHigh court heard bus on which woman was travelling suffered ‘glancing blow’ when hit by rental car but did not move on impactThu Jul 19 2018 - 13:26
Judge set to rule on applications challenging abortion referendum resultHigh Court will rule on two separate applications for permission to bring petitionsThu Jul 19 2018 - 10:10
Vet wore Trump mask and gave fist pump to human resources manager, court toldCourt hears Dr Declan Gill wore mask day after US presidential election ‘as a joke’Wed Jul 18 2018 - 17:28
Widow of Malak Thawley fails in legal bid over death inquiryJudge rules Alan Thawley did not meet legal test to be joined as a notice party to caseWed Jul 18 2018 - 12:53
Supreme Court to decide if it will hear Facebook appealHigh Court referral to ECJ concerns validity of EU-US data transfer channelsTue Jul 17 2018 - 18:08
Reprieve expected for family facing deportation to GeorgiaDecision to expel due to lies told in asylum application ‘disproportionate’, judge saysTue Jul 17 2018 - 17:50
Planning appproval for Co Clare wind farm overturnedSupreme Court says An Bord Pleanála failed to make ‘precise’ findings under European lawTue Jul 17 2018 - 16:46
Michael Smurfit excused from attending High Court in K Club caseBusinessman is recovering from hip operation in Monte Carlo hospitalTue Jul 17 2018 - 13:09
Elderly woman must not be visited in hospital by son, husbandJudge says it’s a matter of ‘great sadness’ that family making woman’s life more distressingMon Jul 16 2018 - 16:54
Co Cork vet has registration cancelled due to ‘professional misconduct’Court told Cornelius Linehan (60) let his official stamp be used to certify unfit cattle for exportMon Jul 16 2018 - 13:54