Arafat seeks return to talksThe Palestinian President, Mr Yasser Arafat, appealed yesterday for an end to armed attacks against Israel and a return to peace…Mon Dec 17 2001 - 00:00
Attack on mosque an assassination attempt, says HamasSheikh Said Siam had no doubt that the Israeli missiles were meant to kill Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the blind and crippled leader…Sat Dec 15 2001 - 00:00
Israeli view of gunship killings disputedA young Palestinian prodded the reddish paste in the sand with a stick and said: "This is where they killed Yasser Abu Namous…Thu Dec 13 2001 - 00:00
Five are killed in Gaza and West BankThree Palestinian civilians were killed last night and at least 17 wounded when Israeli helicopters fired missiles at a security…Wed Dec 12 2001 - 00:00
Israelis bomb police centre to jolt leaderThey came like thieves in the night, roaring in from the sea while the city was sleepingSat Dec 08 2001 - 00:00
Embattled Arafat must bridge chasm in conflict to surviveThe abyss between the diplomats who scurried back and forth from Jerusalem to Ramallah, and the poor corner of Gaza City where…Fri Dec 07 2001 - 00:00
Chirac backs Algerian repressionPresident Jacques Chirac of France had already spoken of the "absolute urgency" that Israelis and Palestinians return to the …Mon Dec 03 2001 - 00:00
Former general admits torture and killingsSimone Paris de la BollardiΘre's hands trembled as she took the witness standWed Nov 28 2001 - 00:00
Court awards war victim status to woman's sonIn a precedent-setting decision, a French appeals court yesterday awarded the status of war victim to Mr Mohmed Garne, the son…Fri Nov 23 2001 - 00:00
France belatedly deploys aircraft carrier of dubious qualityBetter late than neverThu Nov 22 2001 - 00:00
Group fined for making 'poor man's fuel'Rudolf Diesel experimented with vegetable oils when he built the first diesel engine in the 1890sTue Nov 20 2001 - 00:00
Quinn tells Paris to listen to peopleSenator Feargal Quinn brought his own brand of supermarket populism to Paris yesterday, talking to the Franco-Irish Chamber of…Sat Nov 17 2001 - 00:00
Lawyers protest at EU planSeventy prominent European lawyers, magistrates and law professors have protested against a new "anti-terrorist" framework proposed…Thu Nov 15 2001 - 00:00
Three journalists die in Taliban ambush of Alliance tankTwo French radio correspondents and a German reporter were killed in Afghanistan on Sunday night when Taliban forces ambushed…Tue Nov 13 2001 - 00:00
Lebanese leader trying to restart Israeli-Palestinian negotiationsPresident Bush insists the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land has nothing to do with his war on Osama bin LadenMon Nov 12 2001 - 00:00
War will not change US-Israeli ties - PeresThe Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Mr Shimon Peres, says the attacks of September 11th and the war in Afghanistan…Sat Nov 10 2001 - 00:00
Pressure on Washington to cease Afghan bombardment growsInternational pressure on Washington to cease the bombardment of Afghanistan grew yesterdayFri Nov 09 2001 - 00:00
French want new approach to warFrench leaders hope to slow the shift in European public opinion against the US bombardment in Afghanistan by proposing a more…Thu Nov 08 2001 - 00:00
Spirits rise as Concorde once more takes to the skiesThere was silence as AF002 taxied down the runway at Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle Airport yesterday morning, then applause as the…Thu Nov 08 2001 - 00:00
Trapped in a war that every Afghan dreams of escapingSeveral times, as I clung to the gear shift of a Russian jeep hurtling alongside deep ravines, contemplated life as a hostage…Wed Oct 31 2001 - 00:00
Thanks for the memoryFifty-seven years after the liberation, you still come across the Vichy regime almost every day in FranceSat Oct 27 2001 - 01:00
US jets bomb their Afghan allies' positionUS F-16 aircraft yesterday mistakenly bombed two positions of the opposition United Front in the first incidents of "friendly…Tue Oct 23 2001 - 01:00
US military sends advisers to help anti-Taliban forcesThe US military has dispatched teams of advisers to help the opposition Northern Alliance in its war on the Taliban, and US forces…Mon Oct 22 2001 - 01:00
Rebels smoke hash while the US bombs fallAfter more than a week of US and British bombardments, the evening ritual is well-establishedWed Oct 17 2001 - 01:00
Fear grows in Tajikistan as Taliban comes under US attackJust a few hours before the strikes, a Western intelligence officer told me, "the Taliban are dead. They're finishedMon Oct 08 2001 - 01:00
US dollar smooths rugged way over the old silk roadThe border guard in the emerald green uniform shook his head.Wed Oct 03 2001 - 01:00
West ignored accounts of Taliban abuse, scholar saysFour days before the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, Dr Nilab Mobarez attended lunch at the French ambassador…Tue Oct 02 2001 - 01:00
Giscard considers standing again for president after 20 yearsTwenty years after his humiliating defeat by Franτois Mitterrand, the former centre right president, ValΘry Giscard d'Estaing…Tue Sept 25 2001 - 01:00
Toulouse factory blast cuts city off from rest of France as death toll risesThe south-western French city of Toulouse was cut off from the rest of the country yesterday after an explosion with the force…Sat Sept 22 2001 - 01:00
French arrest seven bomb suspectsFrench police yesterday arrested seven men and women suspected of plotting to blow up the US embassy in Paris.Sat Sept 22 2001 - 01:00
French intelligence agencies attempt to flush out groups linked to bin LadenThe French intelligence agency DST and the Paris crime brigade are investigating possible links between radical Islamists in …Wed Sept 19 2001 - 01:00
Wounded memory buys wounded son's cigarettesJean-Christophe Mitterrand is a wounded manWed Sept 19 2001 - 01:00
Your carriage awaitsFew things please a Frenchman more than starting a trend that catches onTue Sept 18 2001 - 01:00
French back US action but politicians steer clear of a military crusade"We are all Americans," French newspapers and politicians proclaimed in the aftermath of the attacks on New York and Washington…Tue Sept 18 2001 - 01:00
Chirac, Schr÷der express solidarityPresident Jacques Chirac said France "learned with immense emotion of the monstrous attacks - there is no other word - that have…Wed Sept 12 2001 - 01:00
Pinault wins Gucci 'handbag war'The clash of egos and pocketbooks between France's two richest men subsided momentarily yesterday, when Mr Francois Pinault triumphed…Tue Sept 11 2001 - 01:00
Flexible regulation the key on exchange rate policyEconomists have argued since the 1930s about whether exchange rates should be fixed or allowed to float, says Jorge Braga de …Fri Sept 07 2001 - 01:00
Bishop convicted of covering up for paedophile priestCatholic Bishop Monsignor Pierre Pican, Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux, was yesterday convicted of covering up for a paedophile…Wed Sept 05 2001 - 01:00
Debate on Middle East lights passions in FranceBy publishing his "Letter to an Israeli Friend" in Le Monde, Prof Pascal Boniface, a political science professor and director…Wed Sept 05 2001 - 01:00
French racism law needs changing, says groupMs Sophie Malmquist, the head of catalogue distribution in France for the Swedish furniture chain IKEA, thought she was doing…Wed Sept 05 2001 - 01:00
President caught with his saggy pants downPhotographers waiting on the beach outside the French presidential holiday chΓteau at BrΘganτon couldn't believe it when President…Sat Sept 01 2001 - 01:00
French army tackles euro coin missionDistributing between seven and 10 billion euro coins poses a far greater logistical challenge than putting 1Fri Aug 31 2001 - 01:00
French public lose patience with government handling of CorsicaNo wonder the French Prime Minister, Mr Lionel Jospin, has so little success in bringing peace to the Mediterranean island of…Thu Aug 30 2001 - 01:00
Jospin promises tax cuts in strategy to restore higher growth ratesThe French Prime Minister Mr Lionel Jospin went on national television last night to reassure the public that his government …Wed Aug 29 2001 - 01:00
EU constitution in 2004 - ChiracPresident Jacques Chirac has set the ambitious target date of 2004 for a European constitution to come into force.Tue Aug 28 2001 - 01:00
Government offers no solution for a growing surge of insecurityIt was a Saturday afternoon when I heard the thud on the balcony and stuck my head around the doorway to find myself face to …Wed Aug 22 2001 - 01:00
Cold-blooded Iguana will not be missedNot many will weep for Mr Francois "the Iguana" Santoni, the Corsican nationalist who was gunned down in front of his mistress…Sat Aug 18 2001 - 01:00
Officer reveals grim details of Ben Barka's murderAhmed Boukhari remembers every detail of the acid tank they used to dissolve Ben Barka's bodyWed Aug 08 2001 - 01:00
Carving a place in art historyA sprightly old woman wearing a loud print dress and bedroom slippers sat on an armchair in the main room, watching the art critics…Fri Jul 27 2001 - 01:00
Concorde victims remembered 1 year onFrance marked the first anniversary of the Concorde crash which killed 113 people with a minute's silence at Air France headquarters…Thu Jul 26 2001 - 01:00