Boxing champion has sights set on OlympicsDouble world women's boxing champion Katie Taylor arrived at Dublin airport this morning with her sights set on Olympic gold …Mon Dec 01 2008 - 00:00
Comedian and boxing club among recipients of multicultural awardsCOMEDIAN DES Bishop and an Irish Olympian's boxing club were among those presented with a Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural…Fri Nov 28 2008 - 00:00
Winding up of integration groups makes policy weakerGOVERNMENT integration policy has been "effectively emasculated" with the winding up of two bodies set up to tackle racism and…Fri Nov 28 2008 - 00:00
Protection urged for women suffering abuseLEGAL PROTECTION for women experiencing abuse in relationships outside of marriage was urged by a charity yesterday.Tue Nov 25 2008 - 00:00
Former Avoca chef claims unfair dismissalAN UNFAIR dismissal case taken by a former Avoca chef who was fired over claims of racist and homophobic behaviour towards co…Tue Nov 25 2008 - 00:00
Decision on firefighter to be weighedA HIGH Court decision to allow a part-time firefighter to work until the age of 65 has raised questions about whether members…Thu Nov 20 2008 - 00:00
Mother protests at theatre hanging sceneA WOMAN whose daughter took her own life is protesting outside the Olympia theatre in Dublin over a hanging scene portrayed in…Fri Nov 07 2008 - 00:00
Vote on children's rights a 'last resort'A CONSTITUTIONAL referendum on children's rights should be considered a "last resort" which is unlikely to be necessary to establish…Thu Nov 06 2008 - 00:00
Political choices 'shape tomorrow's child'WHILE THE Irish child of the future will have fewer siblings and many careers, and will embrace environmental issues, up to one…Wed Nov 05 2008 - 00:00
History of art project launchedA RESEARCH project which will produce the "definitive"reference work on the history of Irish art and architecture was launched…Wed Nov 05 2008 - 00:00
Over-70s visited doctor five times in 2007PEOPLE OVER 70 visited their family doctor almost twice as much as most adults in 2007, figures released by the Central Statistics…Fri Oct 31 2008 - 00:00
Universities to develop nanoscienceTEN THIRD-LEVEL institutions are to pool their knowledge and resources in a new collaboration for the study of nanoscience, which…Fri Oct 31 2008 - 00:00
Service held to honour four air crash victimsMORE THAN 150 mourners gathered at a Mass in Naas, Co Kildare last night to remember three members of a family who died when …Thu Oct 30 2008 - 00:00
Redundant workers waiting over two months for social welfare assessmentSOCIAL WELFARE: WAITING TIMES of more than two months for social welfare assessment is one of the major problems facing many…Thu Oct 30 2008 - 00:00
Study finds peer pressure is key in teen drinkingAlmost half of young people would not refuse alcohol if put under pressure by friends, new research has found.Thu Oct 30 2008 - 00:00
'Sex and the City' author in Dublin to promote bookGROUPS OF well-dressed women sipped margaritas rather than Sex and the City-style cosmopolitans as they waited to hear author…Wed Oct 29 2008 - 00:00
Wall-to-wall screenings selling out as audiences feel the 'High School' hypeADVANCE BOOKINGS for teenage blockbuster High School Musical 3 have been "phenomenal" according to its Irish distributor.Fri Oct 24 2008 - 01:00
Trust not yet restored despite amendmentsWITH THE MARCHERS: “TRUST” WAS a word repeated by older people at the medical card rally yesterdayThu Oct 23 2008 - 01:00
15,000 vent anger at over-70 cutbacksPROTEST OUTSIDE DÁIL: An estimated 15,000 maily older people filled the streets around Dáil Éireann yesterday in protest at …Thu Oct 23 2008 - 01:00
Up to 15,000 protest over medical cardsUp to 15,000 people protested outside the Dáil today against the changes to the over 70s medical card scheme.Wed Oct 22 2008 - 01:00
TDs dumbstruck before men in tightsA WORLD where crises of adultery and treason are solved with a beheading must have been a great escape for the politicians visiting…Wed Oct 08 2008 - 01:00
Unions to consult members on pay agreementUNIONS WILL consult their members over the coming weeks on the new draft national pay agreement.Fri Sept 19 2008 - 01:00
Careers showcase event opens in RDS with 180 educational institutions participatingSOME 25,000 Leaving Cert students, as well as their parents and teachers, are expected to attend a third-level and career showcase…Wed Sept 17 2008 - 01:00
Most XL travellers due home todayMOST OF the Irish holidaymakers affected by the collapse of tour operator XL Holidays are expected to be back in Ireland by tonight…Tue Sept 16 2008 - 01:00
Union calls on Minister to retract 'outrageous attack'A CALL on Minister of State for Trade John McGuinness to stand down unless he retracted an "outrageous attack" on the Civil Service…Tue Sept 16 2008 - 01:00
Art fair to feature work of 2,500 artistsBacon and beans: art for all tastes at RDSFri Sept 12 2008 - 01:00
Ryanair flight in emergency landingA RYANAIR flight made an emergency landing at Dublin airport yesterday morning after part of the aircraft’s tail hit the runway…Fri Sept 12 2008 - 01:00
Smells like teen spirit at DundrumTHE AIR outside Dundrum Town Centre was infused with the scent of aftershave, the glow of fake tan and the excitement of teenage…Thu Sept 11 2008 - 01:00
Eileen Flynn, teacher sacked in 1982, diesTHE DEATH has taken place of Wexford school teacher Eileen Flynn, who became an important figure in the history of the separation…Thu Sept 11 2008 - 01:00
Inquest told of baby's head injuriesEVIDENCE OF severe head injuries which caused the death of a five-week-old baby was "highly indicative of non-accidental injury…Wed Sept 10 2008 - 01:00
Irishman declared dead in error reunited with sonAN IRISHMAN who was mistakenly declared dead after going missing in Britain eight years ago has been reunited with his family…Fri Sept 05 2008 - 01:00
Taxi drivers in two-hour protest at Dublin airport over inspectionPASSENGERS ARRIVING at Dublin airport early yesterday morning were without taxi services for over two hours because of an unplanned…Fri Sept 05 2008 - 01:00
Lally returns to television soaps as wealthy businessman in 'Ros na Rún'AFTER AN absence of seven years, actor Mick Lally is set to return to a television soap.Fri Sept 05 2008 - 01:00
Funds drive to bring home assault victim from SydneyTHE FAMILY of a young Cork man who was attacked in Australia three weeks ago has begun a fundraising appeal to help bring him…Thu Sept 04 2008 - 01:00
Call for travel insurers to be 'fair'TRAVEL INSURERS who look for receipts from customers for all holiday claims have been told that they are “unreasonable” by the…Wed Sept 03 2008 - 01:00
Festival seeks to promote opera among young peopleRENOWNED IRISH mezzo-soprano Bernadette Greevy said it was a "great honour" to leave her handprints outside Dublin's Gaiety Theatre…Wed Sept 03 2008 - 01:00
Irish mezzo soprano leaves mark outside GaietyRenowned Irish mezzo soprano Bernadette Greevy said it was a "great honour" to leave her handprints outside Dublin's Gaeity theatre…Tue Sept 02 2008 - 01:00
Caution urged after closureBOOKINGS : CONSUMERS have been warned to ensure their holiday bookings are made with bonded tour operators following the collapse…Sat Aug 30 2008 - 01:00
Facials, fashion and champagne at Dublin girls-only showA CELEBRITY manicurist, designer fashion for dogs, facials, fitness, couture and champagne are among the offerings at the Ultimate…Sat Aug 30 2008 - 01:00
€1m win will not change us drastically, says familyTHE KERRY woman who won the top prize in the National Lottery's controversial Millionaire Raffle was not even watching the draw…Sat Aug 30 2008 - 01:00
Increase in deaths from heart disease signals reversal of 20-year trendAN INCREASE in deaths from heart disease and stroke last year may be the reversal of a 20-year downward trend, the Irish Heart…Fri Aug 29 2008 - 01:00
O'Connell Bridge undergoes structural repairWORK IS under way to repair the damaged balustrade and pillars on Dublin's famous O'Connell Bridge.Thu Aug 28 2008 - 01:00
Mater specialist breast cancer centre openedA TRIPLE assessment clinic and digital mammography tests are part of the new specialist breast cancer centre that was officially…Thu Aug 28 2008 - 01:00
Way home uncertain for over 140 after Mayo travel firm closesTRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS were uncertain yesterday for more than 140 Irish people who have been holidaying in Crete with a Co Mayo…Thu Aug 28 2008 - 01:00
Specialist breast cancer centre opens in DublinA triple assessment clinic and a digital mammography facilities are part of the new specialist breast cancer centre which was…Wed Aug 27 2008 - 01:00
Complaint against Pat Kenny upheldRTÉ BROADCASTER Pat Kenny was yesterday found to have been unfair in his on-air treatment of the company which insured solicitor…Wed Aug 27 2008 - 01:00
Mayo travel company goes bustCUSTOMERS IN the west of Ireland are likely to miss out on their sun holidays following the collapse of a Mayo-based tour operator…Wed Aug 27 2008 - 01:00
Two win €1m in Lotto millionaire raffleTWO NEW millionaires were created in counties Kerry and Tipperary yesterday as the first ever Millionaire Raffle draw took place…Wed Aug 27 2008 - 01:00
Designer clothes sale aims to saveFASHION: DESIGNER CLOTHES shopping that's easy on the pocket and guilt free is promised at a fundraising fashion sale in Dublin…Fri Aug 22 2008 - 01:00
Darren dazzles and fans fancy a golden haulNOT UNTIL 60 seconds were left on the clock did the nervous silence become celebratory screaming at Joxer Daly's pub on Dorset…Thu Aug 21 2008 - 01:00