Matt Murphy leaves an extraordinary legacy in and around Sherkin Island
Ella McSweeney on a thoughtful man who lived a determined and visionary life as a conservationist and educator
Avian flu poses a threat to other species - including humans. We must take action
Wild species face an overwhelming threat from this virus and need as much help as we can offer them to help them
The weird-looking cuttlefish wouldn’t be out of place as a magical creature in Harry Potter
With a life designed for high energy, cuttlefish could adopt the motto ‘Live fast, die young’
Bat conservation: Simple ways you can help these tiny mammals to thrive in your local area
This month is the perfect time to prepare for bats as they emerge from winter hibernation
After Storm Éowyn, Ireland must do what Sweden did 20 years ago
Storm Gudrun shocked the Nordic country into building a new, climate-proofed power grid. Will Ireland follow suit?
Saving Irish salmon needs more than a clever new technology from Norway
Ella McSweeney: A recent incident in Killary Harbour provides further evidence that the salmon farming system carries too much risk
James Bond is mad about the Boyne: campaign against abbatoir effluent plan benefits from Pierce Brosnan’s support
An Bord Pleanála has overturned council decision to grant permission for Dawn Meats abbatoir to offload 400,000 litres of treated wastewater into the river every day
Bee hotels are a misplaced attempt to help nature
How to help? Plant wildflowers, avoid using chemicals and get comfortable with messy, neglected areas
Irish deer populations have become rampant, and the trees are paying a price
Ella McSweeney: We will not reach our nature restoration goals without urgent action
Raucous jays are the lovable gangsters of Ireland’s woodlands
Ella McSweeney: When acorns fall from the oak tree in autumn, a jay will hide up to 5,000 of them around the wood
Our last flood was so severe that within minutes water was pouring into the electrical sockets a few feet up the wall
Being flooded is a particular kind of hell but pouring more concrete isn’t the solution
The lakes on our island are treasures in urgent need of protection
Ella McSweeney: Without radical and urgent changes in how we use the land, the future of our most distinctive lakes is bleak
Life without chemical fertiliser is hard for farmers to fathom, but they could be in clover
Clover is a viable alternative for farmers who want to stay in profit and deal with the environmental challenges they face
Angel sharks are now so rare that maritime scientists can go an entire career without seeing one
Clew Bay and Tralee Bay are their last known refuges here, where their numbers are so low it may be too late to help them. Still, scientists refuse to give up hope
Unique insects aren’t in the Burren for the scenery - but add another resplendent layer to an astonishing part of Ireland
The Burren is home to 27 species of moths and butterflies found nowhere else in the country, along with all of our rarest butterflies and half our rarest moths