Gay teachers say law change removes ‘chill factor’ on sexualityReligious schools may no longer prioritise ethos over workplace protections for staffThu Dec 03 2015 - 19:59
Feeder schools: Social class still drives school league tablesStudents in more affluent areas of Dublin are four times more likely to go to collegeThu Dec 03 2015 - 01:00
Striking contrasts by post code in third-level take-upProximity to universities outside Dublin influences the likelihood of college progression, while Clare records highest rate at 92%Thu Dec 03 2015 - 01:00
Free childcare expansion scheme at risk, warn preschoolsExtended programme worth an average of €1,500 for the parents of young childrenWed Dec 02 2015 - 15:01
Plans for new technological universities to cost more than €45mLegislation to pave the way for new third-level institutions to be published this weekWed Dec 02 2015 - 01:00
Baptisms remain popular as mass attendance declinesClergy say there is little evidence of baptisms aimed at securing access to schoolsMon Nov 30 2015 - 09:20
Baptism: badge of identity or passport to education?Mass attendance and chruch weddings are declining, but baptism rates remain resilientMon Nov 30 2015 - 01:00
Revenue may collect student loans under proposed schemeGraduates could pay back tuition fees via income tax when earnings reach set levelFri Nov 27 2015 - 08:58
Student loan scheme - how it would workExpert group leans in favour of the loan system used in Australia and NetherlandsFri Nov 27 2015 - 01:00
Could a student loan scheme save the third-level sector?Spending cuts and rising student numbers mean universities are on verge of crisisFri Nov 27 2015 - 01:00
DCU named in league table of top ‘young’ universities in the worldProf Brian MacCraith says high ranking comes despite funding shortage at third levelTue Nov 24 2015 - 17:49
Irish teachers well paid, but work longer hours in larger classesOECD report shows Ireland has one of highest rates of second-level completionTue Nov 24 2015 - 14:49
Most schools not able to deliver Junior Cert reforms in springChildren’s education being put at risk due to dispute, says National Parents CouncilTue Nov 24 2015 - 01:00
Homophobic bullying still major issue in schools, say activistsMore than half LGBT people report being called hurtful names over sexual orientationMon Nov 23 2015 - 16:04
Schools must not have special needs class veto, says councilState body says all students should have chance to attend school in their communityWed Nov 18 2015 - 21:06
Institutes of Technology may face unrest over pay, union warnsTUI to ballot members over coming weeks as part of national campaign of actionWed Nov 18 2015 - 19:44
Anti-bullying site allows teens to share experiences provides advice and support for students, teachers and parentsWed Nov 18 2015 - 19:27
Special needs children to receive supports for free preschool yearMany children with disabilities currently unable to access early childhood care and educationWed Nov 18 2015 - 01:01
No school refusal for children based on religion – State agencyLegal change needed to end discrimination against unbaptised, minority faith childrenWed Nov 18 2015 - 01:00
Ministers pledge to phase out use of prefabs for schools14 new schools for Dublin, Limerick and Laois to meet population growthTue Nov 17 2015 - 16:36
New plan will end use of prefabs in schools, Ministers claimAt least 14 new schools and over 60,000 school places promised by GovernmentTue Nov 17 2015 - 14:44
Atlantic Philanthropies gives €138m grant to tackle dementiaTrinity College Dublin and University of California to share largest allocation to dateTue Nov 17 2015 - 07:33
Ireland’s baby boom spawns school building projectsMinister for Education to announce 310 new projects to deliver 62,000 more school placesTue Nov 17 2015 - 01:00
A short history of renting in IrelandFrom 19th-century tenements to the crisis of 2015 – 200 years of landlord v tenantTue Nov 17 2015 - 01:00
Ireland’s rental market: The top 10 playersFrom landlords to Nama, the market is made up of and influenced by multiple factorsMon Nov 16 2015 - 01:00
Primary schools to close for an extra dayMove aimed at training teachers to introduce new language curriculumSat Nov 14 2015 - 01:01
Papal nuncio says Catholic ethos must be nurtured in schoolsArchbishop Charles Brown says church has nothing to fear from growth in alternativesSat Nov 14 2015 - 01:00
Young teachers leaving profession over ‘rampant’ casualisationHalf of second-level teachers under-35 employed on temporary basis, says TUI presidentFri Nov 13 2015 - 14:09
J-1 students must now find jobs before travelling to USIrish officials fear numbers participating may drop by up to 80 per centThu Nov 12 2015 - 12:53
Parents must ensure Catholic schools’ ethos maintained - archbishopCatholics must be clear on schools’ identity and why this is important, says Michael NearyWed Nov 11 2015 - 20:19
Senator calls for ‘no-fry zone’ around schools and playgroundsCatherine Noone says move would limit access to fast-food and help tackle obesityWed Nov 11 2015 - 13:29
Politics introduced as Leaving Cert subject next yearStudents will learn about key thinkers such as Karl Marx and concepts such as capitalismWed Nov 11 2015 - 10:24
Universities have lowest level of students receiving grantsTrinity had 24 per cent of grant recipients compared to 67 per cent at Letterkenny ITMon Nov 09 2015 - 09:22
Schools should accept pupils on proximity - O'SullivanJan O’Sullivan says future reform of admissions needed to ensure equal accessMon Nov 09 2015 - 01:00
Up to 8,000 non-teaching school staff in line for 10% pay risePay deal would increase hourly rate of secretaries and caretakers from €10.25 to €13Mon Nov 09 2015 - 01:00
Women under-represented at senior level in higher educationOnly 19 per cent of professors are women despite recent gender equality initiativesSun Nov 08 2015 - 20:10
New primary school programme raises broader questionsIs there really a need for yet more religious teaching in the State’s classrooms?Sat Nov 07 2015 - 01:00
Dominican school cancels invite to atheist speakerSchool concerned talk may help ‘cultivate non-religious belief’ among studentsFri Nov 06 2015 - 17:14
A family’s journey - from seeking refuge to a PhDMichael Thai Trung King, the son of Vietnamese refugees, is set to graduate from RCSIFri Nov 06 2015 - 01:00
Debate needed over free fees for third-level, professor claimsLouise Richardson says State must consider whether it can afford arrangementThu Nov 05 2015 - 01:00
Many students feel they are not learning job skills, survey saysSignificant number in higher education say it is not boosting their employment chancesThu Nov 05 2015 - 01:00
No plan to cut religion teaching time at denominational schoolsState advisory body says new curriculum will be separate to existing religion classesWed Nov 04 2015 - 11:51
Primary schools to have to teach religion under new curriculumPlans may prove controversial as teachers worried about ‘curriculum overload’Tue Nov 03 2015 - 13:01
No evidence back to education allowance helps job chancesESRI study finds scheme actually had negative effect on some employment prospectsTue Nov 03 2015 - 09:31
Syrians in Ireland: ‘It feels like life has been on pause for years’Twelve Syrian refugee families finally get to build lives anew – in Thurles, Co TipperaryTue Oct 27 2015 - 01:00
New kits next year will detect drivers on drugsNarcotics such as cocaine discernible from analysis of swab taken from driver’s mouthTue Oct 27 2015 - 01:00
Children in care are at ‘major risk’ of joining sex tradeFormer social care worker warns of young people in State care in danger of exploitationTue Oct 27 2015 - 01:00
Authorities to consider offers of help for asylum seekersState taskforce to consider offers of support from public made through Irish Red CrossTue Oct 27 2015 - 01:00
Same-sex civil partners to be able to wed with five days’ notice1,500 couples have availed of civil partnerships since they became available in 2011Mon Oct 26 2015 - 01:00
Hundreds of drivers avoid penalty points due to poor boxHigh Court ruled that use of poor box for road traffic offences was ‘incorrect’ last yearMon Oct 26 2015 - 01:00