Fahey to face UN on race issuesThe Government will be asked tomorrow to explain why it has not recognised Travellers as an ethnic minority when it is questioned…Wed Mar 02 2005 - 00:00
Patients to play a greater role in mental health serviceConsultation The State's mental health watchdog aims to give patients a greater say in the treatment of their psychiatric problems…Tue Mar 01 2005 - 00:00
Illegal charges continued even after reviewThousands of older people and medical-card holders continued to be illegally charged for long-stay care in nursing homes and …Mon Feb 28 2005 - 00:00
New agency to deal with all immigration mattersThe Government is planning to establish a new "one-stop shop" service which will process all asylum applications, work permits…Mon Feb 28 2005 - 00:00
Demand for €2,000 payments to be 'separate'Lawyers representing elderly people who had their pensions illegally deducted to pay for their nursing home care are expected…Thu Feb 24 2005 - 00:00
Authority calls for more State support for carersThe Government needs to support the thousands of unpaid carers across the State by investing more in welfare benefits for carers…Thu Feb 24 2005 - 00:00
Decision on nursing home payments due todayThe Cabinet is expected to decide today on how much money the State will pay to older people who had their pensions illegally…Tue Feb 22 2005 - 00:00
Suicide experts say level of funding inadequateExperts on suicide have called on the Government to urgently increase spending on mental health to help to reverse the rising…Mon Feb 21 2005 - 00:00
'People our age never express themselves'When Dan Healy's best friend killed himself at the age of 21, he and his friends suddenly felt plunged into a world of fear and…Sat Feb 19 2005 - 00:00
Warning over health risks of arthritis drugsThe Irish Medicines Board (IMB) is to issue a warning to GPs about a range of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs amid growing…Sat Feb 19 2005 - 00:00
Minister to replace allowance for lone parentsThe Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mr Brennan, is planning to replace the lone-parents allowance with a "family friendly…Mon Feb 14 2005 - 00:00
Concern over immigrants' detentionImmigrant support groups have expressed concern that hundreds of people are being committed to jail under immigration laws for…Mon Feb 14 2005 - 00:00
'Goodwill' payments for 20,000 who had pensions deductedAround 20,000 older people with medical cards who had their pensions illegally deducted to pay for their care in long-stay public…Fri Feb 11 2005 - 00:00
Walsh distances himself from comments made by MyersDr Edward Walsh, president emeritus of the University of Limerick, has distanced himself from comments by an Irish Times columnist…Thu Feb 10 2005 - 00:00
Major changes to disability legislation urgedUp to 700 disabled people, their families and carers last night called on the Government to make significant amendments to the…Wed Feb 09 2005 - 00:00
Row over lone parent commentsTDs and child support groups yesterday criticised comments by Irish Times columnist, Kevin Myers, that the welfare system was…Wed Feb 09 2005 - 00:00
Manning to chair Disability Bill protest meetingHundreds of disabled people and campaigners will meet in the RDS, Dublin, today to call for the redrafting or rejection of the…Tue Feb 08 2005 - 00:00
Payments for elderly care vary widelySubvention rates for older people who cannot afford the full cost of private nursing home care vary dramatically in different…Mon Feb 07 2005 - 00:00
IWA chief launches case over dismissalThe chief executive of the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) has opened High Court proceedings to prevent his dismissal as head…Sat Feb 05 2005 - 00:00
Family await proposals about autistic sonThe parents of a 14-year-old autistic boy with severe behavioural problems say they are still waiting for satisfactory State …Fri Feb 04 2005 - 00:00
Lack of recognition 'demeans' TravellersTravellers have claimed that the Government's refusal to acknowledge them as a minority ethnic group is fuelling racism and discrimination…Fri Feb 04 2005 - 00:00
Simon board to resign after e.g.m. voteThe directors of Dublin Simon Community will resign following a no-confidence vote during an extraordinary general meeting last…Thu Feb 03 2005 - 00:00
Groups say employers exploit migrantsEmployers are exploiting migrant workers without fear of being prosecuted due to the small number of State labour inspectors, …Thu Feb 03 2005 - 00:00
Concern over variations in use of electroshock treatmentPsychiatric patients are four times more likely to receive controversial electroshock treatment in some health board areas than…Mon Jan 31 2005 - 00:00
Still feeling effects of ECT years after treatmentStrapped to a bed, Joan remembers being wheeled into the small room of the psychiatric hospital, a nurse placing electrodes on…Mon Jan 31 2005 - 00:00
Rent supplement rules to be easedRules restricting access to the rent supplement, one of the most controversial of the so-called "savage 16" welfare cuts, will…Mon Jan 31 2005 - 00:00
NGOs want to see clear targetsOrganisations campaigning for minority groups yesterday questioned whether the Government's national action plan would result…Fri Jan 28 2005 - 00:00
Taoiseach outlines strategy to counter racismIreland's first national action plan on racism will help the country's transition towards a modern and multicultural society, …Fri Jan 28 2005 - 00:00
Migrant workers at risk of poverty due to welfare benefit restrictionsGovernment restrictions on welfare benefits for non-Irish citizens are placing migrant workers at risk of poverty and homelessness…Thu Jan 27 2005 - 00:00
Money difficulties undermine Irish lifestyle, study showsThe majority of Irish people feel their lifestyle has not improved in recent years due to the rising cost of living, according…Thu Jan 27 2005 - 00:00
Simon to set up midlands service to cater for 300 homeless peopleThe Simon Community will announce plans today to establish a service in the midlands to help meet the needs of an estimated 300…Mon Jan 24 2005 - 00:00
Funding urged as suicide claims more lives than road accidentsMore people die as a result of suicide than in road accidents each year, yet far more is spent on road safety campaigns compared…Fri Jan 21 2005 - 00:00
66,000 children 'in consistent poverty'A total of 66,000 children are still living in consistent poverty despite recent progress in tackling deprivation and poverty…Thu Jan 20 2005 - 00:00
McDowell says ID cards may be introducedThe Government may have to introduce a form of national identity card for Irish citizens once the British government moves to…Mon Jan 17 2005 - 00:00
Body of man recovered in MidletonGardaí say they have no evidence to suggest there is any link between the discovery of the body of a man in a river in Midleton…Thu Jan 13 2005 - 00:00
Usual adoption rules apply for orphansThe Adoption Board has received numerous offers from people seeking to adopt children orphaned as a result of the Asian tsunami…Tue Jan 11 2005 - 00:00
Projects to tackle growing cocaine abusePilot projects to tackle cocaine use were announced yesterday following a number of reports which indicate that abuse of the …Tue Jan 11 2005 - 00:00
Call for better monitoring of rented dwellingsA Government report says enforcement of basic standards in rented accommodation needs to be improved following figures which …Tue Jan 11 2005 - 00:00
Plan for special bin-charge allowance for elderlyThe Government is examining plans to pay a special bin-charge allowance to thousands of older people who are unable to get a …Sat Jan 08 2005 - 00:00
Irish aid groups collect almost €20mIreland: Irish charities have collected almost €20 million for the Asian tsunami appeal, following what fundraisers have described…Sat Jan 08 2005 - 00:00
Public digs deep to help victims of tsunami tragedyIreland: Alan O'Connor, a street cleaner with Dublin City Council, shakes his head in disbelief as he talks about the reaction…Sat Jan 08 2005 - 00:00
Minister considers using rent budget for house purchasesThe Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mr Brennan, is considering diverting millions of euro spent on rent supplements into…Wed Jan 05 2005 - 00:00
Autism teaching course produces dramatic improvements for AdamMargaret Lennon still feels a stab of fear when she remembers first realising autism was taking over her son's life.Wed Jan 05 2005 - 00:00
47,000 welfare recipients to miss payment after mistakeSome 47,000 older people, lone parents and carers will not receive their welfare benefits worth up to €179 this week because …Wed Jan 05 2005 - 00:00
Concern over status of autistic servicesParents and teachers have expressed concern that a range of education services for autistic children are under threat because…Wed Jan 05 2005 - 00:00
Expansion of drug courts urgedAn Oireachtas committee is expected to call for the establishment of drug treatment courts across the State following rising …Tue Jan 04 2005 - 00:00
Drug-free prisons plan 'ludicrous'Prison chaplains have expressed concern that new Government measures to eradicate heroin from prisons are not backed by support…Mon Jan 03 2005 - 00:00
Brennan 'uneasy' over elderly chargeThe Minister for Social and Family Affairs has expressed "unease" at the Government's move to legalise the controversial practice…Fri Dec 31 2004 - 00:00
Database shows gaps in services for the disabledThousands of people with physical or sensory disabilities who are registered with State authorities are waiting for assessments…Fri Dec 31 2004 - 00:00
Applications for asylum down 40%The number of asylum applications in Ireland this year is expected to be down by at least 40 per cent on last year's total of…Thu Dec 30 2004 - 00:00