‘Fewer’ Irish students will need to study abroad under plans to boost output of doctors, nurses and vetsThird level expansion plans could see 5,000 additional university places over ‘coming years’Wed Jun 21 2023 - 19:03
Third-level expansion plan to boost supply of doctors, nurses, vets and dentistsUp to 5,000 new college places may lead to reduction in CAO points and fewer students travelling abroadWed Jun 21 2023 - 05:00
Nearly a fifth of college students say they have a disabilityLearning difficulties are most common followed by psychological conditions or other forms of impairment, study findsWed Jun 21 2023 - 00:01
Primary schoolchildren acutely aware of their level of ‘smartness’ compared to others - study New research shows primary schoolchildren acutely aware of their level of ‘smartness’, study showsTue Jun 20 2023 - 00:01
New mental health teams to be established in primary school clustersResearch indicates a sharp increase in mental health issues and anxiety levels among pupilsMon Jun 19 2023 - 05:00
Northern Ireland’s schools reproduce sectarianism on a ‘colossal’ scale, conference toldJust 7 per cent of schools in the North are integrated with the remainder divided on religious lines.Sat Jun 17 2023 - 11:37
Number of pupils taken out of school for holidays soars since CovidEstimated number of pupil days lost for primary schools due to holidays climbed from 60,000 in 2019 to 350,000 in 2021Fri Jun 16 2023 - 05:00
Ireland needs to double healthcare places in college to meet skills demand, Donnelly saysExpansion plans would see a sharp increase in medical and nursing students in ‘coming years’Fri Jun 16 2023 - 04:55
Women in first year of college at high risk of sexual violence – studyAlmost three in 10 said they experienced completed penetration against their will, similar to the definition of rapeThu Jun 15 2023 - 14:51
Templeogue College inspection report finds ‘significant’ numbers of teachers dissatisfied with school leadershipSpiritan-run school in south Dublin has been at the centre of grievances and mediation efforts between leadership and some staffWed Jun 14 2023 - 19:58
Leaving Cert history: ‘Greatest hits’ give students a chance to shineExpected topics appear with enough choice to allow candidates play to their strengthsWed Jun 14 2023 - 18:01
‘Sighs of relief’: Reaction to today’s Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert examsLeaving Cert have Irish paper 2 & biology, while Junior Cycle students have graphics & FrenchTue Jun 13 2023 - 12:07
‘There’s almost a societal pressure not to waste CAO points. That’s not right’Prof David Fitzpatrick want to create more pathways into university for students outside the points raceTue Jun 13 2023 - 05:30
Leaving Cert: Complaints over ‘unfair’ maths paper one exam will be considered during marking - SECMaths paper one drew criticism from many students who felt it was excessively difficultMon Jun 12 2023 - 16:48
‘Much tougher than recent years’: Reaction to Monday’s Leaving Cert examsFollowing fallout over Leaving Cert maths paper 1, how will students fare with maths paper 2?Mon Jun 12 2023 - 12:05
Students commuting long distances risk missing ‘huge’ parts of college experience, warns university presidentSome student digs at TU Dublin went unfilled this year despite demand for college accommodationMon Jun 12 2023 - 05:15
‘Easily the hardest exam I’ve done’: Reaction to Friday's Junior Cycle and Leaving CertLeaving Certs had geography and maths paper 1, while Junior Certs faced history and mathsFri Jun 09 2023 - 11:47
Reaction to Thursday’s Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert examsUp today is Leaving Cert engineering & English paper two and Junior Cycle Irish & geographyThu Jun 08 2023 - 12:30
Reaction to today’s Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle papers 135,000 begin their Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert written papersWed Jun 07 2023 - 19:33
Population bulge means record numbers will sit Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle examsCandidates with Covid may access deferred sitting, while those with a runny nose advised to attendWed Jun 07 2023 - 00:01
Number of Leaving Cert candidates availing of special ‘accommodations’ climbs to record highAlmost 25,000 students with additional needs granted access to spelling waivers, reading assistance or smaller classroomsTue Jun 06 2023 - 00:00
Leaving Cert? No thanks. Meet the students opting out of the points raceThousands of school leavers are preparing for exams next week, but some are taking a less stressful pathSun Jun 04 2023 - 05:00
Tributes paid following death of ASTI teachers’ union presidentMiriam Duggan, a teacher at Rosmini Community School in Drumcondra, was elected ASTI president last yearFri Jun 02 2023 - 15:15
‘Once-off’ €1,000 reduction in student registration charge may be retainedPaschal Donohue says measures to reduce the cost of further and higher education will be considered in run-up to 2024 BudgetThu Jun 01 2023 - 18:55
Thousands of primary pupils to have access to in-school counsellingMove follows concern over rising levels of anxiety and mental health problemsWed May 31 2023 - 14:14
Census 2022: Number of Irish speakers increases but only 10% can speak it very wellCensus shows 40% say they can speak the language with those in Donegal and Galway most likely to have higher standardTue May 30 2023 - 13:30
Census 2022: Catholicism declines, ‘no religion’ and Hinduism climb in latest dataMayo has highest proportion of Catholics while Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown has highest proportion without religionTue May 30 2023 - 13:08
‘Colossal’ €1.5bn surplus in State training fund may be used to boost digital skillsAmong options for spending €1.5 billion surplus include free or low-cost courses and apprenticeships for thousands of employeesSun May 28 2023 - 16:59
Parents hail no-smartphone code for children until second level as ‘good idea’ Move follows mounting concern among teachers and parents over notable increase in anxiety among pupilsFri May 26 2023 - 16:48
Greystones parents agree to ‘no smartphone’ code for children until second levelMove across eight schools follows rising concern about anxiety levels among pupils and early exposure to adult material onlineFri May 26 2023 - 05:00
Grants may be extended to thousands of part-time studentsCut to student registration charge and State support to ‘unlock’ student accommodation schemes under considerationThu May 25 2023 - 19:47
‘Strong’ support for multidenominational primary schools at a time when 90% are under religious control State-run schools say there is urgent need to boost choice for parents if Government target of 400 multidenominational schools by 2030 is to be metThu May 25 2023 - 15:03
CAO 2023: Round one college offers to issue on August 30thMove follows confirmation earlier this week that Leaving Cert results will issue a week earlier than last yearThu May 25 2023 - 15:00
Leaving Cert results due out on August 25th, earlier than last yearNorma Foley welcomes step towards ‘pre-pandemic norms’ in releasing students’ gradesWed May 24 2023 - 12:30
‘Gaping holes’ in child disability services leaving vulnerable children at risk, committee hearsHSE officials confirm more than 700 vacancies across services, with some network teams having vacancy rates of up to 65%Tue May 23 2023 - 16:27
Students missing out on key subjects as teacher shortages biteWest Dublin schools forced to drop subjects or hire unqualified staff as housing crisis hits teacher supplyMon May 22 2023 - 02:55
Navan assault: Taoiseach to contact family of boy (14) and calls on attackers’ parents to ‘take responsibility’Minister condemns ‘unacceptable co-ordinated attack’ in which teenager suffered concussion and extensive bruisingThu May 18 2023 - 19:03
Overuse of smartphones ruining ability to study, say many secondary studentsSocial media platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram are most popular among students who spend several hours a day onlineThu May 18 2023 - 00:01
Reading during lockdown may have boosted Irish children’s literacy scoresAdditional reading during school closures was linked with higher achievement in global study but this was not the case for reading on a screenWed May 17 2023 - 00:01
New sex education curriculum reflects ‘real lived experience,’ says Minister Revamped social, personal and health education programme launched for Junior Cycle studentsTue May 16 2023 - 21:17
Irish primary children excel in international reading testsInternational study examined hundreds of thousands pupils across almost 60 countriesTue May 16 2023 - 09:00
Covid-related school closures didn’t harm our primary pupils’ reading ability. Why?Children spent a considerable amount of time reading during lockdown periods. It may help explain their strong performanceTue May 16 2023 - 09:00
All second level schools expected to deliver sex education curriculum with focus on gender identityWhile schools are expected to deliver the State curriculum the right of schools to uphold their ethos or characteristic spirit is also protected in lawTue May 16 2023 - 05:30
Social media algorithms causing ‘profound damage’ to young people - Stephen DonnellyMinister for Health says it is time to ‘get behind the curtain’ of how tech firms operate to be better able to protect children and adolescentsMon May 15 2023 - 05:00
‘Joke’s on you, Mam!’ Siobhán McSweeney raises the roof with her Bafta acceptance speechAt the Bafta TV awards 2023, Siobhán McSweeney joins Lisa McGee, Anne-Marie Duff and Sharon Horgan as Derry Girls and Bad Sisters scoop prizesSun May 14 2023 - 21:52
Bishops believe abortion legislation will be repealed ‘in due course’Catholic masses told Government review of abortion law aims to make laws ‘more effective in taking of human life’Sun May 14 2023 - 20:42
‘It was horrible. It came from nowhere’: When schools cope with the suicide of a studentA new study highlights the impact of tragic sudden deaths on school communities and a ‘disconnect’ between official guidelines and support needed on the groundFri May 12 2023 - 05:00
‘The level of anxiety we’re facing in schools is unprecedented’Primary schools in Greystones and Delgany join forces to recruit a play therapist for pupilsThu May 11 2023 - 05:00
Call for students with dyslexia to be given extra time in State examsThousands sign petition within 48 hours to support changes to Junior Cycle and Leaving CertWed May 10 2023 - 19:13
Media literacy for students vital to protecting democracy, says MinisterCatherine Martin says importance of education in meeting challenge of navigating media environment ‘cannot be understated’Tue May 09 2023 - 19:37