Patients reluctant to discuss mental illnessMANY PATIENTS with psychiatric problems are unlikely to discuss their illness with friends or work colleagues because of the …Tue Oct 07 2008 - 01:00
More funds needed for childcare, says IPPACHILDCARE PROVIDERS have warned that financially stretched parents will have no choice but to take their children out of creches…Tue Oct 07 2008 - 01:00
Numbers signing on rise by nearly 50% in 12 monthsTHE NUMBER of foreign nationals applying for unemployment benefit has increased by almost 80 per cent over the past year, new…Sat Oct 04 2008 - 01:00
Rise in disabled at work sought under jobs targetsTHE NUMBER of people with disabilities to be employed in the workforce is set to increase significantly under the terms of the…Fri Oct 03 2008 - 01:00
Non-Irish seeking unemployment benefit up 80%The number of foreign nationals applying for unemployment benefit has increased by almost 80 per cent over the past year, new…Fri Oct 03 2008 - 01:00
Call to maintain Combat Poverty's independenceAN OIREACHTAS Committee yesterday called on Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin not to proceed with a recommendation…Thu Oct 02 2008 - 01:00
President calls for new debate on domestic violencePRESIDENT MARY McAleese yesterday sought to begin a national debate around the "social evil" of domestic violence and called …Thu Oct 02 2008 - 01:00
Simon Communities warn of increase in homelessnessHOMELESS PEOPLE are being turned away from emergency beds on a nightly basis due to a rise in homelessness and a shortage of …Thu Oct 02 2008 - 01:00
McAleese urges debate on 'evil' of domestic violencePresident Mary McAleese today sought to begin a national debate around the "social evil" of domestic violence and called on communities…Wed Oct 01 2008 - 01:00
Homeless 'being turned away from emergency beds' - charityHomeless people are being turned away from emergency beds on a nightly basis due to a rise in homelessness and a shortage of …Wed Oct 01 2008 - 01:00
Society's view of elderly caught in 'time warp'OLDER PEOPLE are still widely viewed as "social casualties" who are expected to live withdrawn and passive lives, according to…Tue Sept 30 2008 - 01:00
Survey shows support for tax increase for better servicesJUST MORE than 40 per cent of adults say they are willing to support higher taxation to fund improved public services, according…Tue Sept 30 2008 - 01:00
Children vulnerable to poverty, says ESRICHILDREN EXPERIENCE the worst outcomes in relation to poverty and deprivation because lone-parent households and those with large…Tue Sept 30 2008 - 01:00
Survey finds 40% favour tax hike to pay for servicesJust over 40 per cent of adults say they are willing to support higher taxation in order to fund improved public services, according…Mon Sept 29 2008 - 01:00
Children with ADHD wait four years for diagnosis, survey showsMOST PARENTS of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) wait an average of four years before securing a…Tue Sept 23 2008 - 01:00
Numbers sleeping rough up 50% in yearONE OF Dublin's biggest homeless service providers has recorded an increase of almost 50 per cent in the number of people sleeping…Mon Sept 22 2008 - 01:00
Plan to regularise status of migrant workersTHE GOVERNMENT is to set up a programme to regularise the status of undocumented migrant workers in Ireland who previously held…Mon Sept 22 2008 - 01:00
Suicide strategy lacks fundingGOVERNMENT AIMS to reduce the number of people taking their own lives are being undermined by a lack of resources for suicide…Mon Sept 22 2008 - 01:00
Men comfortable with their feelings but also at risk of brush with violenceAlcohol and drugs play a large role in the social lives of young men today, but there are signs that older men are more isolated…Sat Sept 20 2008 - 01:00
Tears, drugs and violence: poll reveals male view on modern livingWHO SAYS boys don't cry? More than half of men think it is acceptable to weep in public, while the great majority say they have…Sat Sept 20 2008 - 01:00
Vast majority of men say single fathers should have equal rightsTHE VAST majority of men believe single fathers should have the same rights in relation to their children as single mothers, …Fri Sept 19 2008 - 01:00
Men say biggest worry is daily living expensesDAY-TO-DAY living expenses is the issue of greatest concern to men in Ireland today, according to the findings of an Irish Times…Thu Sept 18 2008 - 01:00
Residential standards targeted for people with disabilitiesTHE STATE’s health standards watchdog says it wants residential services for up to 10,000 people with disabilities to be subject…Wed Sept 17 2008 - 01:00
Standards for residential care of disabled out todayRESIDENTIAL SERVICES for thousands of people with disabilities will be subject to independent standards and inspections for the…Tue Sept 16 2008 - 01:00
Tackling health inequality could help avoid 5,400 premature deathsUP TO 5,400 premature deaths could be avoided each year if policy-makers took a more robust approach to tackling social deprivation…Thu Aug 28 2008 - 01:00
Population of Ireland to reach 6.7million by 2060IRELAND'S POPULATION is set to increase to 6Wed Aug 27 2008 - 01:00
Bill to reform late opening for pubsNEW LAWS will make it easier for pubs or nightclubs to stay open late at night instead of owners having to repeatedly apply to…Tue Aug 26 2008 - 01:00
Disability body defends contract for RehabTHE STATE body that advises the Government on disability issues has rejected suggestions of a conflict of interest in its decision…Tue Aug 26 2008 - 01:00
Government plan on child poverty in difficultyGOVERNMENT ATTEMPTS to tackle child poverty by identifying families who are most at risk of deprivation have run into major difficulties…Tue Aug 26 2008 - 01:00
Childcare price rises are looming, parents warnedPARENTS HAVE been warned that childcare price rises are looming for thousands of children who are no longer eligible for subsidised…Mon Aug 25 2008 - 01:00
Dublin accommodation for homeless to openA NEW project which will provide 30 homes for homeless people moving on from emergency accommodation is due to open next month…Fri Aug 22 2008 - 01:00
Groups for the homeless disappointedREACTION: HOMELESS ORGANISATIONS expressed disappointment with the Government’s new strategy to tackle homelessness yesterday…Fri Aug 22 2008 - 01:00
Government pledges to solve homeless problemHOMELESSNESS STRATEGY: THE GOVERNMENT has pledged that no homeless person will have to sleep rough or remain longer than six…Fri Aug 22 2008 - 01:00
Target of eradicating poverty 'now more difficult'THE DOWNTURN in the economy will make it much more difficult for the Government to meet its target to eradicate poverty, the …Thu Aug 21 2008 - 01:00
Minister says no decision on future of Combat Poverty Agency before reviewTHE FUTURE of the Combat Poverty Agency will be not be decided until a review of the organisation is completed next month, according…Thu Aug 21 2008 - 01:00
Plan to eliminate homelessness under pressureThe downturn in the economy will make it much more difficult for the Government to meets its target to reduce levels of deprivation…Wed Aug 20 2008 - 01:00
Call to segregate migrants rejected by teachers' unionTHE LARGEST teachers' union in the country has criticised suggestions that immigrant children should be segregated from other…Wed Aug 20 2008 - 01:00
Plan to end homelessness to be unveiled as funding freeze bitesTHE GOVERNMENT will tomorrow publish a four-year strategy to eliminate long-term homelessness against a backdrop of claims from…Wed Aug 20 2008 - 01:00
Call for €10m to tackle suicideTHE GOVERNMENT has been urged to increase resources for suicide prevention services in order to tackle the high level of youth…Wed Aug 13 2008 - 01:00
Leinster has highest rates of cancerFINDINGS: COUNTIES IN Leinster have significantly higher numbers of cancer cases compared with the rest of the country, according…Wed Aug 13 2008 - 01:00
Andrews signals referendum on children's rights unlikelyMINISTER FOR Children Barry Andrews has signalled that the Government may introduce new laws to strengthen child protection and…Tue Aug 12 2008 - 01:00
Details of public employees also on computersTHE BANKING details and Personal Public Service numbers of at least 2,000 employees from seven different public bodies were stored…Tue Aug 12 2008 - 01:00
Personal data of 380,000 welfare recipients stolenTHE DEPARTMENT of Social and Family Affairs is contacting 380,000 social welfare recipients after it emerged their personal details…Tue Aug 12 2008 - 01:00
Lone parents to be given personal support linksLONE PARENTS who depend on social assistance are to be allocated welfare advisers within months of the birth of their children…Mon Aug 11 2008 - 01:00
Downpour in Dublin was second worst everRAINFALL STATISTICS: THE EQUIVALENT of a month's average rainfall fell in parts of Dublin on Saturday, said Met Éireann, resulting…Mon Aug 11 2008 - 01:00
Child protection groups criticise HSE cutbacksCHILD PROTECTION groups warned yesterday that vulnerable young people will be at risk as a result of the Health Service Executive…Sat Aug 09 2008 - 01:00
Revenue shortfall will limit welfare benefit rises, warns HanafinMINISTER FOR Social Affairs Mary Hanafin has signalled that "targeted" increases in certain welfare payments may only be possible…Sat Aug 09 2008 - 01:00
Unemployment hits commuter belt areas hardestTHE NUMBERS signing on the Live Register increased by almost twice the national average in commuter belt areas outside cities…Thu Aug 07 2008 - 01:00
HSE defends performance on diagnosis of autismHEALTH AUTHORITIES have insisted they are working to address staff shortages that have resulted in delays of up to three years…Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00
Photo ID cards may face cash constraint delaysTHE DEPARTMENT of Social and Family Affairs has conceded that a planned new public services identity (ID) card could be delayed…Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00