Teresa Deevy and the secrets of the green suitcase

Best known for her productions at the Abbey, the Waterford playwright also wrote for radio, and there’s a mystery surrounding the origins of unpublished work under a pseudonym

Abbey Theatre reveals new season

The Abbey Theatre’s directors Graham McLaren and Neil Murray on their second programme, forging new collaborations and looking for new forms of theatre

My goodness, aspiring to greatness

For the Abbey’s new production of Teresa Deevy’s neglected classic, ‘Katie Roche’, the theatre turned to the trailblazing director Caroline Byrne

What’s your county’s claim to fame?

A cure for leprosy? The Connemarathon? The home of Botox, or Viagra? Birthplace of the MGM lion? Whatever its claim to fame, know your county’s bragging rights


The Irish Times ePaper


Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people

Common Ground

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands