Berkeley Hotel

D4 buyers get a lesson in downsizing their design baggage

At an average age of 54, buyers in the Lansdowne Place scheme come with plenty of worldly goods but the luxury scheme has engaged interiors expect Sara Cosgrove to help buyers adapt to their new surroundings

Afternoon tea is all the fashion

Prêt-à-Portea, with cakes and pastries by chef Mourad Khiat and inspired by top designers, is coming to Dublin

All in good taste

The estate of David Collins – the ‘charming Prada-suited Irishman who became the set-designer for ‘Cool Britannia’ – is to be sold next month in London


The Irish Times ePaper


Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people

Common Ground

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands