White-water rafting facility

Sir, – The priorities of Dublin City Council never cease to amaze.

The council is set to start construction of the controversial white-water rafting facility at George’s Dock this autumn. Media reports remind us that when first mooted, this project was to cost an outlandish €12 million. Now, as is typical of such public projects, the cost at contract stage has risen to €25 million and, from previous experiences, when finished the bill could be double that amount – all taxpayers’ money.

This is the council which cannot provide its citizens and visitors to the capital with basic public toilet facilities, leaving us too often with the sight of people urinating, and more, in public view in the streets and the most unpleasant of odours in too many of our city side-streets.

This council is rapidly losing touch with the real needs of a living city. It is totally unacceptable that it expects retail outlets, pubs and restaurants to provide these toilet facilities to the public – a scandal highlighted at this time when these private businesses are in pandemic lockdown.


When the city fathers of one hundred years ago could provide and operate public conveniences in the city, it is surely not beyond the capability of the current council to do likewise.

It is surely time for the elected representatives to shout “stop” to this madness. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.