Votes and emigrants

Sir, – I am a 28-year-old Irish citizen living abroad. In the Netherlands, to be precise. I have a voice in Dutch politics. I was sent a stempas (voting pass) in the local elections here recently. I would very much appreciate having a voice in the upcoming referendum on same-sex marriage, given that I am still, despite my residential status, an Irish citizen with a vested interest in Irish politics.

I learned recently that as an expat, I have precisely zero voice in exercising my democratic mandate in Ireland. I cannot help but find this suspect given Ireland’s extensive history of emigration, and the fact that Irish emigrants tend to be composed of a very specific demographic – young,educated Irish people who are increasingly likely to challenge the political status quo.

It disgusted me to learn that unlike virtually every developed country I can think of, Ireland has no system in place whereby expatriate voters can engage with referendums and other major electoral events in their home country.

Should I no longer have a say in the political progress of my native land? – Yours, etc,



The Hague,

The Netherlands.