‘Trump’s conspiracy claims’

Sir, – Suzanne Lynch highlights the concern regarding Donald Trump's attacks against the Robert Mueller-led investigation of events involving the 2016 presidential campaign and its aftermath ("Trump's conspiracy claims are starting to pay off", Opinion & Analysis, May 25).

It is quite fortunate for the American system of justice and democracy that a fact-based investigation operating under the rule of law can withstand the buffeting of the variable winds of public comment.

For someone who claims nothing wrong happened, and that he is fully cooperating with the investigation, Donald Trump has taken every opportunity to attempt to derail the effort. Trump has fired, or has caused the firing of, an FBI director, a deputy FBI director, and a deputy US attorney general.

He has issued repeated threats of firing against the special counsel Robert Mueller, attorney general Jeff Sessions, and deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein.


All the Twitter rants and visits to Fox and Friends will not avail Mr Trump of immunity from the rule of law if Mr Mueller's investigation is able to fully complete its work and uncovers the facts behind the events and aftermath of 2016. – Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.