The value of ecumenism

Sir, – I refer to the informative article by Canon Ian Ellis (Rite & Reason, August 13th) concerning reports from the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission concerning ecumenism.

The latest report entitled, Walking Together on the Way is now out for consideration within the two communions.

I would respectfully suggest that before the decision of the “executive” is ruminated on by the masses, ordinary church members make much more of a concentrated effort to pray and worship together and familiarise themselves about each other’s faiths rather than relying on hearsay.

Was it not St Paul who said, there is no distinction between Greek or Jew, between circumcised and non-circumcised or between barbarian and Scythian, slave and free man. There is only Christ, he is everything and he is everything.


It is so necessary for the spirit to be willing and the rest should fall into place. The title of the column is aptly named Rite and Reason. – Yours, etc,

