Tax credits and fuel poverty

Sir,– While tax credits for those who retrofit their homes to save energy, as described in Fiach Kelly's report, have a noble objective, they will do nothing for those most at risk of fuel poverty when carbon taxes are raised ("People who retrofit homes for energy efficiency could get income tax credits", News, July 17th).

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland grants, as they currently stand, have to be matched by significant money put up by the householder to make any significant improvement in the building energy rating (BER) of most homes in Ireland. People on low incomes, will be priced out of the opportunity to upgrade their homes and qualify for the tax credits. Only those with access to spare cash will benefit.

This is a regressive proposal unless the grant system is changed to focus on low-income households and made affordable to them.

I hope Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe and his Government colleagues recognise this before they make any budgetary decisions. – Yours, etc,



