State Examinations Commission

Sir, – We now know it takes four days in the High Court to identify one “manifestly unfit for purpose” procedure.

The question is, how many High Court days in total would it take to identify all the unfit for purpose procedures in the Department of Education? – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – Many congratulations are due to Rebecca Carter for having the courage to take on the State Examinations Commission in relation to the re-check of her Leaving Certificate exam.

The current system permits students to check their results, but in the case of a higher result, this may frequently come too late to allow the student avail of a university offer until the following year.

Human error in the marking system is unavoidable; however, the setting up of a workable checking system which allows students to justly benefit from their hard-earned results within a reasonable timeframe is completely feasible.

To say that the current system is not fit for purpose is an understatement. I would suggest it also applies to the entire Leaving Certificate exam. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.