Smells in the city

Sir, – My memories of collecting pig food slop are quite different from those of Patrick Judge (Letters, August 9th).

We never collected from roadside dustbins.

The well-to-do householders in areas such as Rathgar and Terenure put slop in separate containers and it was sold by contract to the pig farmers.

When I was a very young lad, my big treat was to accompany my dad on his weekly collection. We would use a high light car with a barrel strapped in for the food. He would call (to the side-door of course). Sometimes there would be a treat, a packet of apples or a freshly made cake.


Then we would head home, my dad talking Nellie through the traffic.

I always thought she enjoyed high-stepping in the city, in her gleaming leather and brash harness. There wasn’t much traffic then, and the other traffic usually gave way to horses.

Soon we would be home, in the leafy lanes and fragrant hedgerows of Ballymount, Co Dublin. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 12.