Sláintecare report and health services

Sir, – The National Patient Survey Experience results show that despite the pressures on our health services, once admitted, the majority of patients reported receiving "good" and "very good" standards of care (Editorial, December 12th). This is testament to the professionalism and hard work of healthcare professionals who strive to provide a high standard of care in a system that can be challenging. Access to hospital care remains problematic. Overwhelmed emergency departments add to the distress and discomfort of those waiting for care while also placing huge pressures on the doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals working there. As the largest postgraduate medical training body, the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland is committed to improving patient care and outcomes. We welcome the survey findings and will consider how they can help us to continue to improve how we are training the doctors who are caring for patients in hospitals across Ireland every day. I hope the Government will progress a cross-party, long-term plan for the health services as detailed in the Sláintecare report which, if properly resourced and implemented, can help to address some of these issues. – Yours, etc,



Royal College


of Physicians of Ireland,

Frederick House,

South Frederick Street,

Dublin 2.