Public access at Luggala Estate

Sir, – Keep Ireland Open would like to respond to the report in Monday's edition about the Luggala estate ("No change to public access at Luggala Estate, say owners", News, October 15th). The main issue we have with owners of the estate is the closing of the gate at 5.30pm. The estate is quite right about the dangerous terrain of much of the estate.

However, the closure of the gate is quite the wrong way of dealing with the issue of public safety. What is required are notices at the foot of both Fancy Mountain and Knocknacloghoge advising walkers of potential dangers in these areas and in particular to be sure to be back before nightfall.

The closure of the gate at 5.30pm fails to take into account emergencies due to people getting lost in the mist, a sprained ankle or failing ill and failing to meet the deadline particularly if they reach the gate after dark. There is no other convenient exit from the estate. An accident waiting to happen!

As far as we are aware planning permission to close the gate has not been granted and accordingly we have written to Wicklow County Council asking them to take the necessary steps to ensure that the gate is keep open at all times.


A protest on Sunday last was attended by the chairman of the Labour Party Jack O’Connor. We have pledges of support from Joan Burton TD and local councillors Derek Mitchell (Fine Gael), Steven Mathews (Green Party) and Jennifer Whitmore (Social Democrats).

We are pleased that the National Parks and Wildlife Service has taken the same position as Keep Ireland Open in calling for the State to acquire the relevant part of the property.

Of course, this problem would simply not arise if we had access legislation comparable with most other EU countries. – Yours, etc,


Keep Ireland Open,

Dublin 14.