Political drama

Sir, – Simon Coveney's call to an Air Corps pilot is reminiscent of the opening scene in The Tempest, where the king confronts the boatswain and is given short shrift. Kings and Ministers still have no authority over the elements, whether storm of fog, but it is good to see our Government raising politics to the level of Shakespearean drama. – Yours, etc,


Templeogue, Dublin 6W.

Sir, – You know it is summer when the big political story in the The Irish Times is about a helicopter journey that never happened, two years ago. We now know the difference between a helicopter pilot and a Minister. For the pilot, how to go is more important than where you are going, while for the Minister where you are going is more important than how you get there. Maybe it's just politics. – Yours, etc,



Lucan, Co Dublin.