Media spreading virus of rage

Sir, – In 2002, Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine concluded that the primary reason there was so much lethal violence in the US in stark contrast to Canada which, if anything, had even more weapons per head, was, primarily, broadcast media (this was in the halcyon days before social media), hyping the public into a state of permanent paranoia, fear and fury over crime and, indeed, almost everything.

As usual, we in Europe belatedly but inevitably have arrived in a similar place where the various media (social, broadcast and print) now hyperbolise everything (things are “awesome”, “stunning”, “terrifying”, “astonishing”, etc) and systematically foment and stoke public “rage”, “anger” and “fury” about every little thing to the point that we have completely lost sight of how incredibly lucky we are compared to the vast majority of humanity which has to live in the most abject, dangerous and painful way.

Could we all just try to calm down and stop getting apoplectic about everything, and smell the roses? – Yours, etc,



Ardee, Co Louth.