Ireland’s Future

Sir, – Ireland’s Future represents a broad range of non-political civic interests which have campaigned for a referendum on a border on this island for a number of years.

It was with great disappointment we read an article by Newton Emerson on January 14th last asserting that “Sinn Féin outsourced much of its messaging to the Ireland’s Future campaign”.

This statement is untrue, not backed up by any evidence and damaging to our organisation which has remained deliberately unaligned with political interests.

For the avoidance of doubt, Ireland’s Future is not connected with Sinn Féin or any other political party. Nor do we lobby or campaign on behalf of political parties.


We are comforted by your assurance that no reasonable reader of the column would take it as an attempt to attack our organisation.

We hope this letter, written at the invitation of the Irish Times, sets the record straight. We are pleased and heartened to see the growing range of opinion, reflected in your paper, that shares our analysis, and in accepting your invitation to correct the record, on this occasion we are content to accept your assurance, rather than the personal opinion of Mr Emerson. – Yours, etc,



Ireland’s Future.