Insurance premiums

Sir, – Derek MacHugh (Letters, December 26th) wants the Government, rather than initiating a report into insurance companies charging new customers less than existing ones, to "spend time calculating how I and others should be reimbursed and compensated". Mr McHugh states that he has had three policies with the same company for almost 40 years.

Did he never hear Mary Harney’s advice to “shop around”?

It is legitimate business practice to offer discounts and special prices to attract new business. The insurance companies and indeed other businesses do this.

It is the consumer’s responsibility to query ever-rising premiums, if this is the case with the company they are with.


I suggest that Mr MacHugh contacts his company about the recent report and refer them to his record and ask what they will do about his current premiums.

I am certain the company will respond with much more competitive prices; this company cannot afford to lose a customer like him. If he is not satisfied with the new deal, he can check around himself, or he can go to a broker who, for a small fee, will find him the most competitive quotations.

I apply common sense; if I am not happy with the price, I go elsewhere. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.