Home alone

Sir, – I spent Christmas Day on my own. Shock, horror; someone is prepared to admit they spent the 25th day of the 12th month on their own. Not only that but I was quite happy with my decision and how it worked out. I could have spent it in someone else’s house, as I normally do, but because of concerns about Covid, I decided being on my own was the correct choice for me.

Furthermore, I admit to a certain curiosity about how this would work out for me. Yes, there were a few times on the day when I was more aware of the fact that I was on my own. These are feelings I can experience on other days. I dealt with them.

Covid has forced many of us to evaluate certain aspects of our lives. For me it has been my relationship with Christmas. Why should I feel pressurised into spending the 25th day of the 12th month with other people when I’m quite content to spend many other days during the year on my own, – Yours, etc,



