Freedom of movement in Europe

Sir, – I’ve enjoyed reading the many articles you have published in recent weeks from Irish people living in London and their views on how Brexit could impact the large number of people from Ireland in the city.

One thing the articles serve to highlight is how Irish people have not taken full advantage of free movement in the European Union.

London continues to attract a huge percentage of Irish who decide to emigrate. This is not surprising given its close proximity and that we share the same language, but just as Brexit may act as a catalyst for more Irish exporters to seek European markets beyond Britain, it may also be what is needed to encourage more Irish people to look to other European cities if they make the decision to move abroad.

I am one of the over 150,000 Irish born people living in London, and while it’s a great place to be, I’m well aware it’s not exactly the most imaginative and unique emigration choice for an Irish person to make.


If future generations who decide to experience life away from home make more use of freedom of movement they will certainly have no shortage of exciting options across Europe to choose. – Yours, etc,


