EU summit: FG reveals its true colours

Sir, – What an amazing few days for Irish politics! Leo Varadkar fights a cynical rearguard action opposing Frans Timmermans for the presidency of the European Commission and in the process reveals Fine Gael’s soul – a neo-capitalist party with a veneer of modernity and devoid of any social dimension.

It seems his newest BFFs are as far removed from our real post-Brexit allies as can be imagined within the European Union. Worse, he justified his position on the grounds that the EU’s values are negotiable and that the rule of law need not be rigorously applied. A lot of goodwill towards Ireland has evaporated in the heat of Bruxelles!

The only positive is that it clarifies the “battle lines” for the next election. Surely now is the time for a formal alliance of the Social Democrats, PBP, Labour and the Greens?

The choice is stark and the electorate deserves a realistic alternative based on social-democratic values.


Community-centric policies for climate change, environment, energy, health, education, housing, and the digital economy can define and deliver a more equitable Ireland rather than one designed for the benefit of the few.

It is incumbent on the Left to bury their differences and rise to this challenge. – Yours, etc,

