ESB Networks and referendum posters

Sir, – Further to recent correspondence (May 11th) regarding the removal of posters from ESB Networks poles, I wish to clarify a few points.

At the start of this campaign, ESB Networks asked all participants to refrain from putting posters on our poles. Placing posters in close proximity to live electrical equipment puts referendum campaigners, the general public and our staff at risk.

Despite these requests, posters from both sides of the campaign have been placed on ESB Networks electricity poles.

As a result, and in accordance with custom and practice, ESB Networks has had to deploy staff to remove posters where possible and appropriate.


However, due to their sheer volume, we are not in a position to divert resources from key activities to remove all posters.

Given that electricity poles are neither an appropriate nor a safe location for posters, we will continue to remove them, when necessary, to assure the safety of all users of our service. – Yours, etc,




and Customer Service,

ESB Networks,

Clanwilliam House,

Clanwilliam Place,

Dublin 2.