Election posters and Tidy Towns

Sir, – As an active member of our local Tidy Towns group, I feel that I cannot let Niamh Bhreathnach’s view of our activities go unchallenged (Letters, May 11th). The purpose and aims of Tidy Towns – which extend far beyond tidiness and encompasses, for example, maintaining and improving biodiversity – is to make our towns, villages and communities pleasant places in which to live, work and visit.

The Tidy Towns aim is certainly not to maintain “such a pristine condition that no hint of active daily life is visible”. However, if evidence of daily life involves the presence of litter, rubbish, and poorly positioned unsightly posters which detract from the appearance of the area then it is quite reasonable that they be removed.

The Tidy Towns organisation relies on the dedicated, unpaid action of willing hardworking volunteers. Maybe the letter writer should consider joining her local Tidy Towns group to support them in their endeavours. – Yours, etc,



Ballymore Eustace,

Co Kildare.

Sir, – Why have so many election candidates erected their posters on poles marked “Danger, Keep Away“? – Yours, etc,


Windy Arbour,

Dublin 14.