Duplication of Garda vetting

Sir, – I am currently being Garda vetted on behalf of three organisations with whom I work: two renewals of previous vettings and one a first-time vetting.

I have on many occasions inquired as to why I have to be vetted separately for each organisation. To date, I have not got an answer. No one seems to know. After all, I am the same person in each case, with the same history. Surely this is a waste of valuable Garda time – and an unnecessary test of the patience of applicants!

I have, for instance, a public services card, which I can present for several different purposes. Why is it not possible, once vetted, to be provided with a “vetting passport” that could be presented to interested organisations, and renewed when necessary? Maybe someone has an answer. – Yours, etc,




Co Tipperary.