Dublin Port

Sir, – Chris Johns is reported as saying that " . . . investments in areas such as infrastructure would be worth considering by the State given that any investments made would, in the current environment, have a higher return than the cost of the debt" ("State needs to 'rethink fiscal policy and halt giveaways'",Business, September 28th). Mr Johns is then directly quoted: " . . . we can invest in all sort of imaginative things, like moving Dublin Port, for example". Our analysis in Dublin Port Company – published as part of the Dublin Port Post 2040 Dialogue – suggests that it would cost €8.3 billion (at 2020 prices) to get Dublin Port to the point where the land of the port could be sold to developers. At current land prices, this would generate €2.6 billion. Even with historically low interest rates, it is still possible to find projects capable of wasting enormous amounts of public money. A project to move Dublin Port would be guaranteed to do just that. "Imaginative" is not the adjective I would use. – Yours, etc,



Dublin Port Company,


Dublin 1.