Donald Trump – a week in politics

Sir, – Donald Trump is calling for halting entry to the US from Muslim countries including Syria, Iraq and Yemen, a call he later termed “extreme vetting” from those coming from countries with terrorism ties.

Given that almost all refugees from these countries are desperately fleeing for safety because of wars often, if not solely, perpetrated by the US military, what is really needed is “extreme vetting” by his administration of the US military’s role and that of the arms industry in creating the refugee crisis? – Yours, etc,


Irish Anti-War Movement,


PO Box 9260,

Dublin 1.

Sir, – I see that Donald Trump “absolutely” believes that torture works. I’ve no doubt that after four years of his presidency most Americans will hold the same view. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – When I consider the 45th president of the United States and his “alternative facts”, I think of those great cartoon philosophers, Calvin and Hobbes: “It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.” – Yours, etc,



Co Roscommon.

Sir, – The president of the United States of America, the most powerful man in the free world, has just signed an executive order to begin funding and construction of a border wall between the US and Mexico. And to think I was beginning to sway and give him a chance. What’s wrong with me? The madness must be spreading. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.

Sir, – How many anti-Trump speeches will be made at the 89th Academy Awards? – Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.

Sir, – Kathy Sheridan ("Donald Trump brings out the best in women", Opinion & Analysis, January 25th) talks a good talk with her fighting rhetoric, but cannot walk the walk on practicalities and methods that would actually bring about a change in course of the US administration. Pink hats with cat ears are not a compelling agent of change.

I would bet not one of those marching against Mr Trump will delete their Facebook accounts (the major channel for fake news that changed the course of the US election), remove their Twitter accounts (Trump’s main way of trumpeting his views), or if a US citizen, refuse to file federal taxes as required; the very taxes that funded the 27,000 bombs dropped worldwide by the Obama administration military in 2016, incidentally.

Irish protestors will not boycott the US but instead continue to seek J1 visas on the sly, take expensive holidays there, line up like sheep to buy American technology, and rush to mimic American culture as before.

It is clear that the millennial generation has not got one clue about how to rebel, resist, or riot against Donald Trump. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.

Sir, – To build his “Great Wall” along the Mexican border, President Trump’s contractor is surely going to need access to the structure from both sides. Since the wall will notionally run along the border, the south side will be in Mexico and he will need Mexico’s co-operation. Otherwise he would have to build it sufficiently north of the border to allow access on the south side.

This would create a long strip of US territory unprotected by the wall.

The solution is obviously to award the contract to a Mexican contractor, Mexico being as “American” as the United States of America. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 12.

A chara,– Donald Trump’s comments on his belief that torture works brings to mind a quote from Daniel Kahneman: “Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance”. He is not alone. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Sometimes, when I see Donald Trump on television reassuring his friends and terrifying his enemies by putting on his “Mount Rushmore” face, with jutting jaw and threatening quiff, I wonder will much time elapse before, Ozymandias-like, he issues an executive order for the commencement of work on the immortalising of the fearful visage on the hallowed mount? – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.

Sir, – President Trump has said that that torture “absolutely” works.

Since 2002, successive Irish government have allowed US aircraft to land at Shannon Airport on their way to and from its perpetual wars, and well over 2.5 million US troops and military equipment have passed through Shannon.

The Peace & Neutrality Alliance and Shannonwatch have consistently called upon these Irish governments to terminate the use of Shannon Airport by the US military and at the very least search these US aircraft.

In view of Mr Trump’s statement on torture, searching these aircraft to ensure at the very least that there are no prisoners being brought to torture chambers should be now implemented immediately.

Failure to do so would mean that not only has this Government destroyed the policy of Irish neutrality, it would also be an active supporter of torture. – Yours, etc,



Peace & Neutrality Alliance,


Co Dublin.