Cycling and climate change

Sir, – I must echo Micheál Martin’s comments that the admission by the Taoiseach that Ireland will dramatically miss its 2020 emissions targets represents a record of extraordinary failure.

It is mind-boggling that such simple measures as putting in a proper cycle network for Dublin were not done years ago.

A proper cycle network would afford many people the opportunity of ditching the horrendous daily car commute that they have to endure – with the resulting carbon dioxide emissions savings.

It would cost peanuts in comparison to the fortunes that are spent on our roads.


It would dramatically improve the health and happiness of the citizenry, and last but not least it would boost the city’s economy as cycling is the fastest and most cost-effective way to traverse a city.

Putting a cycle network in place is not difficult or impossible to do, as a quick investigation of Copenhagen will show.

So, the question is, if other governments can implement such win-win climate friendly solutions, why can’t ours? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.