Corbyn consistently condemned terror

Sir, – While not naming specific individuals, Paddy McEvoy (May 27th) accused leaders of the British Labour party of squirming their way out of condemning the atrocity in Manchester. Mr McEvoy then proceeded to accuse Labour's leaders of refusing to condemn IRA bombing campaigns.

Jeremy Corbyn has categorically condemned the recent attack in the strongest possible terms.

In respect of historical IRA campaigns, Mr Corbyn has not only continually and categorically condemned the IRA’s actions, but has also condemned the actions of loyalist paramilitaries and state actors during the Troubles in Ireland that subsequently spilled over to Britain.

This has been Mr Corbyn’s consistent position for nearly 40 years, which is why it is mind-boggling to see it continue to be intentionally misrepresented in the British and Irish media. – Yours, etc,


