Connected cycleways – the dream

Sir, – Dermot Ashmore refers to a dream of a network of cycleways in Ireland (Letters, May 18th). While there are plenty of plans and publications about a network of cycleways in Ireland, unfortunately the many plans that exist for connected cycleways in Ireland will remain a dream for a long time to come.

Take the proposed Dublin-Galway cycleway. It was referenced in a study undertaken by the then National Roads Authority in 2010. A decade later, while parts of this cycleway are open, we are still years from the finished product.

I have witnessed industrial projects where large and extremely complex facilities producing technically advanced products were built, commissioned and operating within two years, yet it appears that it will take at least 15 years to build what is effectively a long and wide path.

When it comes to the provision of connected cycleways, generations of Irish people continue to be let down by poor governance and a lack of leadership. – Yours, etc,




