Challenging the use of ‘Polish corridor’ term

Sir, – I have read with great interest Ronan’s McGreevy piece on the Paris peace conference in 1919 (An Irishman’s Diary, June 24th).

However, I can’t agree with the expression “the Polish corridor” for Polish and Casubian Pomerania region. This is an expression used by, among others, Adolf Hitler in 1939 to justify his territorial claims towards the Polish state, reborn in 1918 with such efforts.

I come across this expression many times in the British books as well.

For my taste the expression “corridor” suggests the space or area by its nature temporary, not particularly elegant or nice.


It should not be used in the friendly Irish press. – Yours, etc,


Chargé d’affaires ad interim

of the Republic of Poland

in Ireland,

Embassy of the Republic of

Poland, Dublin 4.