Boris Johnson and Brexit

Sir, – Boris Johnson's reactionary cabinet is the UK's most right-wing administration since the Thatcher era ("The third-rate, the lightweight and the school mate – Boris Johnson's cabinet", Denis Staunton, London Letter , July 25th).

Clearly, it’s a cabinet designed to deliver a Halloween Brexit, quite possibly via a snap general election.

But, ironically, Labour will benefit most from the prominence of so many Tory extremists in this bizarre hard-right circus of a government. Now it has become much more difficult to paint the Jeremy Corbyn leadership as dangerously radical.

The right-wing media will, of course, continue to vilify Mr Corbyn, while portraying the overprivileged Mr Johnson as a man of the people, and his coterie of diehard Brexiteers as stout defenders of democracy.


Mr Johnson thinks his plans will succeed on little more than a “can-do” bubble of empty optimism. Fortunately, however, the British public isn’t that gullible. – Yours, etc,


Arbour Hill,

Dublin 7.