A good news health story

Sir, – Two Sundays ago, while attending the European SubTitle Festival in Kilkenny, I fell and injured my forehead. The blood was quickly staunched by a friend and when the ambulance duly arrived at 4.30pm. I was whisked off to the emergency department at St Luke’s Hospital where I asked if it would be possible for me to return to the Set theatre by 8pm as I was involved in the final event of the festival.

The doctor promised to do his best and three hours later after an MRI, two ECGs, an X-ray and three stitches, I was free to leave. All this on a Sunday afternoon !

Not only were the nurses efficient but they were warm-hearted, caring and had a good sense of humour. Needless to add, I wrote to the hospital to thank all those who were concerned with my wellbeing.

As I am 87 years old, this was not my first fall, and for those of a similar age, I would recommend that if you have to fall then fall in Kilkenny! – Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.