A Eurovision miracle?

Salvador Sobral. Photograph: Tatyana Zenkovich/EPA

A chara, – It was very enjoyable to read in the columns of your paper about Portugal's historic Eurovision win on Saturday, particularly Frank McNally in An Irishman's Diary (May 17th).

The first name of the very gifted singer Salvador Sobral means "Saviour". It can be said that in 2017 Portugal saved music, as in 1974 music saved Portugal. In that momentous year the secret signal to start the extraordinarily peaceful Carnation Revolution was the broadcasting of a popular Portuguese protest song Grândola, Vila Morena by Zeca Afonso, and sung in the powerful sea shanty style of the Alentejo region of southern Portugal.

However, it would be amiss not to mention another Portuguese connection, the great coincidence that May 13th was also the centenary of the Fatima apparitions in 1917.

Fatima, Portugal and the Eurovision Song Contest? Perhaps Our Lady is trying to tell us to improve on the singing? – Is mise,





Sir, – Terry Moylan’s views on the Eurovision Song Contest couldn’t be more timely or to the point (May 17th). The lovely winning song from Portugal was a blessed relief after all the noisy, syncopated offerings that went before. Could one possibly hope for a new Eurovision ruling that it is the song alone that is judged, and not the ever-changing extravagant, psychedelic background scenery, gyrating gymnasts or cavorting supporting vocalists? – Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.