Subscriber OnlyLetters

Not as rich as your neighbour?

Incentives and outcomes

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – In rebuffing a series of arguments that seek to justify economic inequality, Joe Humphreys makes good points but fails to consider the alternative or offer one (“Should it bother you if you’re not as rich as your neighbour?”, Opinion & Analysis, October 21st). If I imagine a society or world of absolute economic equality it raises a difficult question. Why would anyone do anything other than whatever they felt like over their whole lifespan? It is difficult to see how education, total human knowledge, innovation, net prosperity and ultimately the human experience of life would improve at all, even over generations. Rather like democracy, a financially unequal, and thereby incentivised world, may be the worst option apart from all the others. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.