Subscriber OnlyLetters

Sinn Féin in turmoil

Discipline and justice

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Sinn Féin’s unique approach to discipline and justice continues to amaze.

For three months, allegations made against a senior and long-standing member of the party are investigated internally. But within 24 hours of that senior member resigning from the party, the matter is passed to An Garda Síochána. And Mary Lou McDonald, who to be fair doesn’t have a great hand to play, tries to make a virtue of this (News, October 13th).

Truly, they do things differently in Sinn Féin. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.

Sir, – It seems Sinn Féin is having difficulty keeping its own house in order, which is not a good look when you want to keep housing as the number one issue for the forthcoming election. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 18.

Sir, – Modern political parties require openness and transparency. The electorate deserve to clearly know who is truly in charge of each party running for election and be able to ask the awkward questions. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.

Sir, – It now appears that every time an election looms, the media whips up a red herring to distract from the key issues facing the Irish people. These issues are house prices, childcare, healthcare, the increased cost of living and the potential impact of climate change to name a few.

Before the local elections, there was a media frenzy about immigrants along the canals in Dublin. Something we have heard little about since. Why? This was clearly a tricky issue for Sinn Féin politically, but not one of the key issues facing most people.

Now, as another election looms, once again we are given a media circus around Sinn Féin and issues which frankly do not matter in people’s lives. People resign from political parties all the time. Political parties expel and censure members all the time, even senior members. Political figures from all parties have been known to write character references in dubious circumstances. Just looking back over the years, there is ample evidence in this regard.

I fear that we are losing one of the pillars of a healthy democracy, an unbiased media. There appears to be an attempt to put the focus on the internal machinations of one party.

What is happening in Sinn Féin has happened before, in almost all parties.

It is noteworthy, however, the level of coverage is completely over the top and means little to people in their everyday lives. The media, in advance of elections, seems to be throwing in red herrings and distracting from the key issues and sadly it does seem to be to the detriment of one party in particular. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.