Subscriber OnlyLetters

Vocal fry phenomenon

An unfortunate development

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – The phenomenon that Nuala Gallagher mentions in her letter on “Kardashian accents” (September 19th) is called vocal fry. It is practised mainly but not exclusively by women who artificially deepen their voice to make it sound croaky.

Although vocal fry is not an accent, it is as infectious as an accent. It seems to have started in the United States and has spread to other anglophone countries, sadly including Ireland. It is even beginning to infiltrate RTÉ and is readily found on YouTube.

I fear that, like the Dart accent, it is here to stay until it is replaced by some other vocal affectation in years to come. – Yours, etc,




Co Waterford.