Young ADHD sufferers more likely to abuse drink and drugs

YOUNG PEOPLE with attention deficit disorder problems are at a significantly higher risk of misusing drugs and alcohol.

YOUNG PEOPLE with attention deficit disorder problems are at a significantly higher risk of misusing drugs and alcohol.

This will be one of the key messages at a conference to be held next week by the National Council of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Support Groups.

Conference organiser Rose Kavanagh said there is still widespread ignorance over the links between the disorder and substance abuse, even among health professionals. “All the research points to this link, but there needs to be much greater awareness about the problem,” she said.

At least 60,000 young people in Ireland are living with the disorder, or 5 per cent of the school-going population, though there may be many more undiagnosed cases. The condition is marked by excessive inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.


US research indicates that at least one-fifth of 17-18-year-olds with the disorder had some form of substance abuse problem.

One of the speakers at the conference, Tom Creaven, is a psychotherapist who regularly supports people with disorder and drug addiction problems. Mr Creaven was officially diagnosed with ADHD just two years ago and links this condition to problems with alcohol he had earlier in his life.

Until recently it was thought sufferers outgrew the condition. But recent studies show that around 60 per cent of those diagnosed with the disorder in childhood will continue with a modified form of the condition into adulthood.

“One of the aspects of this disorder is the sense of restlessness. People with ADHD have real difficulty sitting still, finishing anything, concentrating, so drugs can sometimes have a calming effect,” he said. His advice to parents or those who feel they may have the condition is to seek professional help and to realise that the condition is ultimately manageable.

The conference will take place on Friday, January 14th, at the Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, from 9.30am until 3pm.

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent