New Texas law allows college students carry guns on campus

Lecturers concerned about measure which they fear could create a ‘chilling effect’

The clock tower at the University of Texas in Austin, the spot from which Charles Whitman carried out a mass shooting fifty years ago. A new state law permits concealed firearms to be carried inside campus buildings. Photograph: Ilana Panich-Linsman/The New York Times.

The University of Texas has marked the 50th anniversary of a slaughter that thrust mass shootings into the US national consciousness as a new law allowing students to carry guns in campus buildings came into effect.

The Austin-based university’s students and staff have been at the vanguard of resistance to the “campus carry” rule passed by the Republican-dominated Texas legislature last year.

In a grim coincidence, the bill went into effect on Monday as several hundred people gathered for a memorial ceremony in the shadow of the tower at the heart of the campus from where a sniper, Charles Whitman, embarked on a 96-minute killing spree.

The law permits people over 21 with handgun licenses to carry a concealed handgun in most buildings on campus, including classrooms and, at some universities, dorm rooms.


Areas considered sensitive, such as sports arenas and laboratories with dangerous chemicals, are designated as gun-free zones, as is the UT tower’s observation deck.

Gregory Fenves, the university president, told reporters at a press conference on Monday that he recognised "there is some confusion" about implementation, but "our message to the entire campus community [HAS]always been 'if you see a gun call the police' and that has not changed".

Eight states allow the carrying of concealed weapons on higher education campuses, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures: Texas, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin. In 23 states, institutions have the right to choose.

Texas’ law does not apply to private universities, all but one of which have decided to ban campus carry, the Texas Tribune reported.


Claire Wilson James was the first passer-by shot by Whitman from the deck of the tower on August 1st, 1966. Then aged 18, she was eight months pregnant and gravely injured. The bullet ripped through her stomach and killed her unborn boy. The then 25-year-old Whitman fatally shot her boyfriend.

“I just hope they get guns off this campus and get rid of open carry and let the police have the guns if somebody has to have them,” she said after the ceremony.

Ms James hopes America’s gun culture will follow the same path as smoking - a habit once widespread and viewed as normal but now declining in popularity and often viewed as socially unacceptable and dangerous.

“I think that pretty soon people will go ‘what?’ - I hope,” she said, anticipating a nationwide shift in attitudes.

Texas, though, in common with other conservative-led states, has focused on loosening firearms restrictions in recent years. Proponents of campus carry laws argue that they give a small minority of students who are responsible, trained, gun owners the chance to enhance their personal protection and exercise their second amendment rights, and that there have not been significant problems in states that already have them.

Against the wishes of some police chiefs, Texas governor Greg Abbott, signed the bill into law in June last year. He also visited a gun store, flanked by National Rifle Association lobbyists, to rubber-stamp a law allowing the licensed open carrying of handguns in most public places. That went into effect in January. Last week, Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, sued the city of Austin in a bid to force it to allow guns inside the city hall.


Critics contend that more guns makes life more dangerous, not less, with the potential for accidents, for arguments to suddenly turn lethal, and for an increase in suicides. They also believe that there is a risk of confusion if multiple people are armed in active shooter situations, and a likelihood of false alarms.

Three University of Texas professors last month brought an ongoing lawsuit arguing that they should not be forced to allow guns in classrooms because it would create a chilling effect on their free speech rights since they would be afraid to discuss controversial topics lest an armed student take offense.

"I could see that being a hindrance; I mean, definitely just knowing they're on campus will make it a little different," said Erin Shadwick, a 26-year-old education student, standing near the new granite monument that bears the 17 names of Whitman's victims. More than 30 others were injured.

The campus was quiet on Monday as Austinites reflected on the anniversary and digested the news of a fatal shooting early on Sunday in downtown’s bustling entertainment district, less than two miles from the campus.


Protests including student walkouts are planned for August 24th, the first day of classes. Since the law demands that weapons be hidden, it was impossible to tell if anyone was strolling the tree-lined squares and alleys with a Glock or a Smith & Wesson.

“Being concealed you don’t know who has a gun, who doesn’t, and that in itself is kind of freaky to me,” Ms Shadwick said.

Mr Fenves, the president, said the university will assess whether campus carry is having an impact on recruitment of staff and students. "The reality is that people are definitely seeking other places to work," said Ellen Spiro, a film professor and member of the Gun Free UT group. "There's a lot of debating going on within university and faculty about what they can and cannot say regarding guns in classrooms and to me it's just a shame that we're even having these discussions. It's just wrong to have guns be allowed in a classroom where you can't have your cellphone or eat a hamburger," she said.

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