Ariel Castro to plead not guilty - lawyers

Ohio man accused of abducting and raping three women at his home for ten years

Ariel Castro, the US man accused of abducting and raping three women at his home for 10 years is to plead not guilty to all charges against him, his lawyers have said. Photograph: Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office via Getty Images

The US man accused of abducting and raping three women at his home for 10 years is to plead not guilty to all charges against him, his lawyers have said.

Craig Weintraub and Jay Schlachet told a US TV station that Ariel Castro has been portrayed as a "monster" in the media, and after meeting with him they do not see him that way.

Mr Weintraub said it was unfair and offensive that “the media and the community want to demonise this man before they know the whole story.”

Mr Schlachet said details of Mr Castro’s innocence “will be disclosed as the case progresses.”


Mr Weintraub also says Mr Castro "loves dearly" the child he fathered with kidnap victim Amanda Berry while she was held in his house in Cleveland, Ohio.

Mr Castro is charged with kidnapping and raping Ms Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight.