UK court ruling ‘condemns’ disabled boy to death, family says

Judge rules with NHS medics who sought to only provide toddler with palliative care

The parents of a ‘profoundly neurologically disabled’ two-year-old boy say they are devastated by a British High Court judge’s decision to allow medics to provide only palliative care to the child.

The parents of a "profoundly neurologically disabled" two-year-old boy say they are "devastated" by a British High Court judge's decision to allow medics to provide only palliative care to the child.

They said Mrs Justice Parker’s ruling “effectively condemns their son to death”.

NHS hospital bosses with responsibility for the boy's care had asked Mrs Justice Parker to rule that limiting treatment to palliative care would be lawful and in the best interests of the boy.

Specialists said the little boy suffered from an incurable, but unidentified, neurological disorder - and that his condition was deteriorating.


Nurses said he had stopped smiling and that he grimaced but no longer giggled when tickled.

Specialists said ”further invasive interventions” would be distressing and burdensome for the little boy and would have little or no therapeutic benefit.

The youngster’s parents disagreed with the idea of providing only palliative care and implementing an ”end-of-life plan”.

They said all treatment options should continue to be available.

Mrs Justice Parker had overseen the case at a public hearing in the Family Division of the High Court in London and made a ruling on Wednesday.

She said it was not in the little boy’s best interests to “artificially prolong” his life.

The judge said the little boy could not be identified.

She said management at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust had asked her to make a ruling.

Solicitor Kavi Mayor, who is based at Jung & Co Solicitors and represented the couple, said his clients were “devastated”.

“They believe that the declarations made by the court effectively condemn their son to death,” said Mr Mayor after the hearing. “They believe that their son’s life is worth saving.”

He added: “They are particularly concerned that a prognosis has been given by the doctors when no firm diagnosis has been made. “They remain of the view that all possible treatment options should remain open to their son and that the NHS trust have, to date, not explored all possible options.”