Tourism industry needs to be smarter - O'Donoghue

The tourism industry needs to be "smarter and sharper" about how it presents the Ireland holiday experience according to Minister…

The tourism industry needs to be "smarter and sharper" about how it presents the Ireland holiday experience according to Minister for Tourism John O'Donoghue.

Mr O'Donoghue was speaking during the launch of a Tourism Ireland strategy, Restoring tourism growth from the British Market,in Dublin today.

The strategy aims at halting the declining numbers of tourists from Britain.

"Britain is our single biggest market and a strong performance here is vital for the success of our industry," the Minister said, adding that tourists must be given a compelling reasons not to delay a visit here.


Mr O'Donoghue added that "a greater focus on product innovation" was need from everyone in the tourist industry.

Tourism Ireland chief executive Paul O'Toole called the strategy "an agreed path forward focusing on three central themes of promotion, product and welcome".

Mr O'Toole said "Tourism Ireland is taking a new approach in its advertising by emphasising holiday experiences in Ireland rather than simply promoting Ireland as a holiday destination".

"The wider industry needs to mover away from selling products such as bednights or seats and instead blend these and other elements into an attractive holidcay experience," he added.

British tourists account for more than six in ten of all visitors to Ireland and spent €1.68 billion, nearly half of overseas tourism revenue, in the country last year.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times