Spring to act as Taoiseach while Bruton goes on holidays

THE Tanaiste, Mr Spring, will act as Taoiseach for the next few weeks as Mr Bruton and the Government go into recess for the …

THE Tanaiste, Mr Spring, will act as Taoiseach for the next few weeks as Mr Bruton and the Government go into recess for the summer holidays.

At its last meeting yesterday until September 4th the Cabinet processed a 40 item agenda, most of it approving the publication of annual reports.

The text of a National Cultural Institutions Bill, which proposes to set up separate boards for the National Museum, the National Library and the Genealogical Office a statutory basis, was also approved. It is believed that the Bill also deals with the indemnification of works of art.

A new Taxing Master, Mr Charles Alphonsus Moran, was appointed. Master Moran (51) who manages High Court and State Side section departments in, the State Solicitors office will succeed the late Mr T.K. O'Connor, and will receive an annual salary of about £52,000. The Government also appointed Judge Kevin Haugh, recently nominated to the Circuit Court, to the Special Criminal Court to replace Judge Dominic Lynch who has completed 10 years service in that court.


Four nominees were appointed by the Government to act as Ireland's representatives on the panel of experts of the United Nations International Court of Justice. They are the Attorneys General, Mr Dermot Gleeson Mrs Justice Denhara of the Supreme Court Mr Justice Moriarty of the High Court and Dr Alpha Connelly, legal adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs.

The first interim report of the Devolution Commission was considered by the Cabinet and later published.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011